Women make up half of the world’s population yet remain underrepresented in leadership positions. At HubSpot, we’re thrilled and proud of our progress toward achieving gender parity, with 50% female representation at the Company Executive Leadership Team level in 2022 and 40% within our Board of Directors. However, we know there’s more work to do and are actively working toward improving this balance across our entire organization.

To celebrate some of the remarkable women in leadership we have at HubSpot; we asked a handful of our female-identifying HubSpotters about a time in their life that represented significant professional and personal growth. Continue reading to hear what they had to say…

Saharu Doi, Manager, Marketing, JAPAC



Sienna Lytle, Senior Manager, DI&B, NAM



Richa Khandelwal, Director, Engineering, NAM



Learn more about HubSpot’s progress and commitment to Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging in our 2023 report here. And as always, follow us on Instagram for a glimpse into #HubSpotLife.

Originally published Mar 24, 2023 8:45:13 AM, updated March 28 2024