Life is not linear and neither is breaking into tech; there’s no rulebook, fool-proof plan, or perfectly put-together guide. Unlike preparing for a medical or banking career, there is a lot of gray space while carving the path to your first tech internship or full-time job; the opportunity to take different routes into tech is fantastic, but it is also undoubtedly confusing. 

Disclaimer: there are very clear paths into technical roles through educational paths such as computer science or web development, but I promise you that you do not need to know how to code to break into tech. There are a plethora of opportunities from recruiting to marketing that focus on your soft skills and prior experiences while not requiring any “technical” knowledge. 

As a student with a Liberal Arts education who is studying neuroscience, psychology, and entrepreneurship, I did not have the technical knowledge of a software engineer, to say the least. However, I did have a strong awareness of my soft skills. I developed a narrative around how my previous experiences and my skill set led me to pursue a career in tech, and I expressed why my attributes would make me a great fit for the specific role. To put it simply, I figured out my why and how I was going to convey this why to others. 

Now let’s talk about 3 tangible steps you can take to navigate the gray space of breaking into tech: 

  1. Understand your skills & desires: Are you a phenomenal communicator? Are you great with numbers and analytics? Do you enjoy developing graphic art? Are you fueled by chasing goals? One of the first steps in breaking into tech is understanding what kind of role you want and what you would be a good fit for; a large part of this discovery comes from understanding what you’re good at, what you want to improve on, and what kinds of work you want to be doing. For example, maybe you love talking to people and you are innately curious about different businesses - sales could be a great place for you! Or maybe you are great at analyzing data and love strategic thinking - competitive intelligence could be an interesting career route into tech. 
  2. Build your why: After you have decided on what kind of role you want, you need to be able to succinctly describe your why to a potential employer. You can include how your previous experiences, innate traits, or skill set led you to your desired role and why you would be a great fit. Although there may be a TON of fantastic reasons you would be an awesome addition to a team, select a few of your strongest points and weave those together to create an authentic story. Pro tip: Spend time understanding your desired employer’s why! What’s their mission and how does your why align with theirs? 
  3. Lean into mentors & networking: So now you know where you want to be in tech and have crafted a great story of why you want to be there - but how do you get there? Lean into the people around you - friends, professors, coaches, and even acquaintances at a coffee shop. While being polite, respectful of others' time, and gracious, be curious. Don’t be afraid to ask the people around you for help, feedback, and introductions. Use the gray space to impress someone when they’re not expecting it, and you’ll be surprised where future opportunities could lead you. 

Be authentic. Be prepared. And don’t forget to be kind to yourself as you craft your unique path into tech. Learn more about Intern and Co-Op career opportunities on HubSpot's careers website. 

Originally published Sep 19, 2022 10:10:19 AM, updated January 20 2023