
Meet Patrick, Principal Inbound Growth Consultant and Sales Team Lead for the Direct Sales Team in HubSpot Berlin for the DACH market. Patrick is passionate about helping the German market ready for Inbound Marketing and helping German companies grow better with the products we offer. Most of Patrick's team has been with HubSpot for less than 12 months ( as we've grown immensely in the last year!) and he finds it rewarding to help his colleagues become successful.

We asked Patrick a few questions about what it's like working in Sales for the DACH market. Here's what he had to say!

Tell us a little bit about your background and journey at HubSpot.

Before joining HubSpot in October 2017 I was working for 3 years with Groupon and gained some experience in the recruitment industry. Before this I graduated from university with a BA in Business Administration and International Business. Since joining HubSpot I have helped ramp up the German market and the direct sales team. In addition to being promoted twice in my time here I became a Team Lead in the beginning of 2019.

Can you talk us through what a typical day looks like for you?

When I come in in the mornings I connect with fresh leads and work with my existing customers. This involves phone calls, online meetings and emails. On top of that, in my role as a Team Lead, I assist junior colleagues on their calls, conduct 1:1's or Team meetings. I also run the role plays during the interview process for new hires. Overall, I enjoy those different facets of my role every day because they have a real impact on the business and our teams future.

Prior to HubSpot you worked in large, global companies, what attracted you about a career in Sales at HubSpot?

The culture in HubSpot helped me to make the decision to join HubSpot. The company's potential for growth and the potential for personal growth were the perfect reason to join HubSpot. While the financial benefits are great here, it is the level of flexibility that I can enjoy and the company culture based on HEART that make HubSpot the perfect place for me. I can truly find a balance between work and my personal life as a young father.

What do you find most rewarding about your job?

The best reward is if you speak to a customer after a while and they see the benefits of using our platform. Really helping our customers to grow their companies better is the best reward I can imagine.

What do you find most challenging about your job?

Staying organised and focused is the biggest challenge in my role. There are so many different things you can do so that it is highly important to prioritize and structure yourself.

What one piece of advice would you give to someone looking to be successful in a career in sales?

Be curious. Nowadays, sales is about understanding your partners, truly helping them to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. You are best set up for success if you try to understand you customers as much as possible and by being curious you will learn more and improve in your role.

What is your favorite thing about working at HubSpot?

It’s the smart people I work with every day. Even though some of the office is pretty young the amount of smart people around me is amazing. I can learn from all these people every day and am pretty sure that if I ever leave HubSpot in the future I will leave a better version of myself.

If you weren’t in sales, what would you be doing?

If I could choose to do something different, I would love to work in a professional soccer club as a scout and doing game prep. Being honest, I really love working in sales and don’t want to do something else.


Originally published Sep 18, 2019 6:00:00 AM, updated January 19 2023