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Booxi aligns teams across three continents and saves $100k/year with HubSpot

Leveraging the power of HubSpot, Booxi centralizes data across regions, boosts collaboration and efficiency, transforms its global operations, and saves significant time and money.

  • $100K a year in cost savings

  • 30h a week in time savings with automation


Booxi is the appointment scheduling software of choice for retailers looking to provide exceptional customer experiences.


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    Aligning disconnected teams

    Over the past decade, Booxi has branched out from supporting small independent retailers and become a technology leader serving the globe’s biggest brands, such as LVMH and L’Oréal. As Booxi’s footprint expanded across three continents, the challenge was to consolidate data, enhance team collaboration and efficiency, and minimize growing pains. 

    Booxi’s customer base spans both SMBs and enterprises, so the business decided to run separate CRMs for each sector. That decision led to data silos, duplicated effort, and increased costs.

    Manual processes plagued their workflow. Sales execs had to dig through Gmail accounts to track leads and interactions, then manually log their activities. And because data flowed into multiple systems, teams lacked visibility into each other’s work and it was difficult to synchronize their efforts.

    Bertrand de Buyer, Booxi’s Head of Sales, said: “We needed a place where we could consolidate information and be the truth to which everybody in the company could get to.” 

    A single source of truth would also facilitate leadership’s growing demand for real-time reporting, enabling Booxi to pinpoint sales trends, marketing insights, customer satisfaction metrics, and opportunities across diverse segments.


    Empowering collaboration with HubSpot

    Booxi found the answers they wanted in HubSpot. They implemented a unified HubSpot CRM for SME and enterprise clients, and included Marketing HubSales Hub and Service Hub. Embracing HubSpot’s adaptable framework, Booxi began with Starter Packages and moved to the Pro versions as their needs evolved.

    Each of HubSpot’s tools transformed individual team capabilities, but its real power lay in the centralization of data and aligning global teams. What also set HubSpot apart was its user-friendliness, which empowered Booxi to manage the platform autonomously without paying hefty consulting fees. 

    Bertrand said: “HubSpot’s CRM is completely tailored to our needs. We can adjust the configuration every week if we wish and that’s the kind of agility that is really crazy and you don’t often see in software.”

    Booxi’s teams quickly became seamlessly connected, capturing every customer and lead interaction. The days of silos were over; now, every department had access to a single source of truth, improving collaboration.

    “Our teams have just adopted HubSpot naturally, because everybody gets value from it, whether it’s management or the teams in the field,” said Bertrand.


    Connecting existing tools

    For Booxi, achieving widespread adoption of HubSpot was a top priority. Fortunately, HubSpot integrated with the tools people already used daily, and HubSpot made the process painless.

    They connected Gmail and Intercom using simple connectors, facilitating smooth communication and contact management. They also made it a priority that every team member interacting with prospects—be it sales, support, or delivery—used the platform and synced their email and calendars. This ensured every email exchange was effortlessly captured in HubSpot. 

    Bertrand said: “It was kind of magic that your mailbox was automatically synchronized, and you didn't have to log your meetings or emails manually. This makes the adoption of the tool much easier compared to other CRMs.”

    The Intercom and HubSpot integration gave Booxi a valuable 360-degree view of every customer, empowering Booxi’s sales and marketing teams to deliver personalized experiences, anticipate customer needs, and deliver targeted communications.


    Leveraging automation

    Booxi has implemented around 90 workflows. These automated processes replace the repetitive tasks that used to consume valuable time and distract from higher value work. 

    So far, they have automated the process of qualifying contacts and routing them to the right teams, and set up alerts that quickly flag any data quality issues. They’ve also automated a bunch of attributes to guide leads through the funnel based on their engagement and behavior, ensuring a more efficient path to conversion.


    Easy, autonomous reporting

    With HubSpot centralizing every team and data point, reporting has undergone a huge transformation. Now, business leaders can pull the insights they need autonomously, without calling on IT colleagues for help. 

    Bertrand said: “What’s included in HubSpot is just a goldmine for the leadership team that wants to get access to vital information and real-time reports.”


    Enhanced customer experience

    HubSpot’s Customer Success team has been a key partner for Booxi, helping roll out features like the Forecasting Tool, Quote Tool, and Prospecting Tool—all of which enhance their capabilities and growth. Booxi leverages these ever-evolving features and tools to improve their customer experience.

    When enterprise clients asked for a customer portal to receive committed service levels, Booxi capitalized on HubSpot’s latest tool to launch a customized portal in just two weeks. 

    “This was quite huge for us, because we were able to build a portal using our existing teams without having to recruit anybody,” said Bertrand. 

    “Within weeks, customers could reach out to us via the portal. We could track their tickets and ensure we got them processed under the timelines that we commit to. We’ve given more autonomy to our customers, fulfilled our commitments, and improved their level of satisfaction.”


    30 hours a week saved

    Booxi has experienced remarkable time savings, just off the back of HubSpot’s automated workflows. 

    “We literally almost never have to type in something manually,” says Bertrand. “Most changes are handled automatically, allowing everyone to focus on their own business.”

    Bertrand estimates savings of around 20-30 hours a week. He explained, “That's huge because it's equivalent to almost half an FTE year round.”


    $100,000 saved per year

    Increased efficiency and productivity across their teams—from sales to marketing, customer success and IT—leads to substantial cost savings. Bertrand estimates these savings at a staggering $100,000 a year.

    “In the past three years alone, we’ve saved the recruitment of two people, whether that's someone in IT, sales ops, support ops, or marketing. As a business that operates without any external investment, that's a lot of valuable savings.”

    HubSpot’s comprehensive solution suite also means Booxi doesn’t have to pay for additional technology, like a service desk tool. HubSpot had everything already available in a single package that was easier to set up, use, and administer.

    “With our customer portal, we saved the cost of subscribing to a service desk tool, like Zendesk. And we don't have to subscribe to Calendly or any other meeting tool because what HubSpot has is great out of the box. By using everything that HubSpot has to provide with their multiple hubs and all the features, we don't need to buy anything else.”


    Improved cash flow

    Booxi has also slashed payment turnaround time among larger clients from six months to just one. And that’s a game-changer. 

    Bertrand said: “Previously, invoicing large customers took four to six months due to complex setup and lengthy payment cycles. With HubSpot, they’re invoiced within a month of execution.”

    This not only streamlines operations but also accelerates cash flow—a major advantage for Booxi.  


    Enhanced decision making

    Booxi’s improved reporting, fueled by HubSpot’s single source of truth, is empowering better strategic decisions.

    Bertrand explained, “With HubSpot’s reporting, we can easily assess past performance and build our whole budget, determining very easily the individual objectives that we would give to the business staff team, the partnership team, and marketing teams.”

    This also saves significant time for the business, who don’t have to drown in days of manual work manipulating spreadsheets to get the same results.


    HubSpot’s impact

    Without HubSpot, Bertrand says it would’ve been harder to reach their current level of revenue and business velocity.

    “We also wouldn't have had the right insights at the right time,” he said. “So every decision would have taken us a lot more time and our progress would be slower. You can easily come to the conclusion that we wouldn't be where we are today if we hadn't used HubSpot.”

    Looking ahead, Bertrand is excited to create even more value for Booxi with HubSpot. 

    He said, “I love HubSpot, because I can basically do everything I want with it. What's exciting is that we're going to get even more value from it as we explore everything around AI that HubSpot has been implementing and become even more connected and efficient.”


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    “We wouldn't be where we are today if we hadn't used HubSpot. Our teams have just adopted it naturally, because everybody gets value from it.”
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