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Convierte Más Cuts Marketing Tool Subscription Costs by 47% by Consolidating on HubSpot CRM

Convierte Más implemented a number of marketing tools over the years, including ActiveCampaign and Infusionsoft by Keap, but every new tool introduced new inefficiencies, errors and expenses. Convierte Más switched from five tools in favor of the HubSpot CRM platform and reduced its subscription costs by 47%.

  • 93% Decrease in chat response time

  • 95% Decrease in email resolution time

  • 98% Of emails delivered as scheduled

Convierte Más

Convierte Más is a marketing agency that helps thousands of entrepreneurs, companies and agencies across the United States, Latin American and around the world enhance their digital presence and get more conversions.


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Cobbled Systems and Siloed Data

The biggest challenges many marketers face are aligning teams and technologies, orchestrating campaigns, and reporting on results.

Rosellina Castagna, Marketing Director at Convierte Más, and her team struggled to efficiently use the agency’s existing content to move leads and customers along their sales and marketing pipelines.  

The task was made more complicated by Convierte Más’ three distinct service lines: consulting, training, and app development. Each service line targeted a different audience with distinct needs and little overlap. 

The company’s consulting service line is its most mission critical, so Convierte Más put its focus there and implemented ActiveCampaign as its marketing CRM initially. 

However, this left the training and app development teams blind to consulting leads and customers. It also left the consulting team unaware if its customers were interacting with customer service. 

“If a consulting client was having a conversation with our customer care group, I would have no idea,” says Rosellina. 

This arrangement also left Rosellina in the dark on the performance of the customer service team. 

“I didn’t know how long it took them to close a ticket or how satisfied customers were with the service they received,” says Rosellina. 

To remedy some of the shortcomings of ActiveCampaign, Rosellina and her team implemented Infusionsoft by Keap. But it wasn’t much of an improvement. 

In particular, Rosellina found email delivery wildly unreliable. 

She explains:

“I would schedule an email for 7:00 a.m. and sometimes it wouldn’t get delivered until 10:00 a.m. with Infusionsoft. This was a really big headache for us, particularly during live product launches. Contacts complained about getting our emails late or not getting them at all.” 

Unfortunately, Infusionsoft by Keap support wasn’t much help either. They advised Rosellina that such delays were normal for such a large volume of contacts. 

Since neither ActiveCampaign nor Infusionsoft by Keap met the needs of Rosellina and her team, they went on to implement a number of third-party applications, including LeadPages, Unbounce, Intercom, Zapier, Calendly and Help Scout.

Not only were these tools expensive, they also opened the door to additional problems. 

“With every third-party integration or tool, you increase your costs and the likelihood of mistakes,” says Rosellina.

This disparate set of tools also resulted in inefficiencies and lags in customer service. For example, average response time for live chat was two to three hours and average resolution time for email was two to three days. 

As a result, measures of customer satisfaction were also lower than desired, averaging 72%.

Faced with these challenges, Rosellina and her team started searching for a platform that could manage all of their service lines and give visibility across marketing and customer service. 

After surveying their options, Rosellina and her team decided to implement the HubSpot CRM along with Marketing Hub and Service Hub. 

Tracking Leads and Customers Across Every Service Offering With HubSpot CRM

Rosellina’s team put their marketing expertise to work during implementation, only needing help from their HubSpot onboarding consultant with more technical aspects. 

“As a marketing agency, we already know the business, including the forms and lists we wanted,” says Rosellina. “We met with Luis, our customer success manager, every week, and he helped us make our strategy a reality.” 

Aligning marketing and customer service across all service lines 

With a single and connected CRM platform in place, leads and customers are tracked seamlessly across all three service lines. 

Rosellina explains: 

“Our customers will often graduate from one service line to the next as they mature, so it’s valuable to see how they interact with each. It gives us a more complete overview of the client, and we can nurture them from one service offering to the next.”

With a complete view of customer behaviour across all service lines, Rosellina and her team know exactly how and where to deploy their vast library of 200-plus marketing assets.

Eliminating most third-party apps

Because the HubSpot CRM platform has such robust functionality, Rosellina and her team were able to eliminate many of the tools they were using, including ActiveCampaign, Infusionsoft by Keap, LeadPages, Unbounce and Intercom. 

The third-party tools they’ve chosen to retain are now fully integrated with HubSpot with no need for messy and time-consuming workarounds. 

“All you have to do is connect the apps, and they work like a charm,” says Rosellina.

Real-time reporting on a central dashboard

Rosellina is no longer in the dark about how the marketing and customer service teams are performing and the quality of service they deliver. She can see how long it takes for agents to close tickets and get customer feedback from surveys. 

On the marketing side, she can see what percentage of emails are opened, how many bounced, and the average CTR. 

All these metrics are real time and available on the easy-to-digest HubSpot CRM dashboard.

“I have all these metrics that I didn’t have before,” says Rosellina. “Before, I had to extract everything from different tools and manually compile them before I could present to senior management.” 

Rosellina also appreciates the clarity with which the data is presented. 

“The data is presented so beautifully, you can see immediately where you’re doing well and where you can improve,” says Rosellina. 

Emails delivered as scheduled 

Convierte Más’ first real test of the HubSpot CRM platform’s email capabilities was its Black Friday campaign. 

The team promoted an offer of free marketing training, followed by a Black Friday sale. People who registered for training and watched the videos received follow up emails with additional product promotions based on their behaviour. The Black Friday campaign was a big success and resulted in higher revenue than expected.

“The feedback was very positive,” says Rosellina. “And not having to worry about emails being delivered late or not going out at all was a huge relief.” 

Customized workflows for automation and greater productivity

Rosellina and her team are also using automation in the HubSpot CRM platform to increase efficiency and productivity. 

“HubSpot gives me more customized options than ActiveCampaign for every touch point we have,” says Rosellina. “For example, I can set up workflows that automatically trigger if a certain behaviour occurs, such as if a lead visits a certain web page and then takes a particular action within a set period of time.” 

Outstanding HubSpot support

Unlike Rosellina’s experience with Infusionsoft by Keap, she and her team get excellent support from HubSpot.

“The support that HubSpot offers through phone, email and chat is seriously amazing,” says Rosellina. “Every time I have a technical question, or something I need to resolve ASAP, I just contact support and have an answer in less than 24 hours.”

47% Savings in Software Subscriptions

By consolidating on the HubSpot CRM, Convierte Más was able to eliminate five pieces of software for a 47% savings in tools and subscriptions.

At the same time, Convierte Más is achieving significant gains in productivity and performance. 

For example, the customer service team is achieving a 93% faster chat response time, going from two to three hours to a mere three or four minutes. 

Similarly, email response and resolution time decreased from two to four days to one to two days max. 

In addition, the marketing team is no longer frustrated by email non-delivery or delays. Emails are delivered on time 98% of the time, up significantly from the 80-85% with Infusionsoft.

Not coincidentally, customer satisfaction is also up from 72 to 83.

Further, the team’s inbound marketing efforts (including deploying its 200 lead magnets!) has grown their newsletter list 35%.

Rosellina and her team are amazed at the efficiencies and productivity gains they’ve made with HubSpot CRM. 

“With everything integrated on the HubSpot platform, we can see every touch point, where we stand now and where we want to go next,” says Rosellina. “It’s been amazing for our business.” 

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