Case Studies | HubSpot


Written by Sharan Bansal | Nov 29, 2022 7:20:37 PM

Trying to scale with disparate tools

MasterMover is a UK-based manufacturer of load moving equipment. It’s award-winning electric tugs have been trusted by industries around the world to move heavy and large loads safely and efficiently since 1997.

With an established brand and an enviable product range, demand was surging, and the company was reaching out to meet it with a marketing-first strategy.

That put Marketing Director Jonathan Dolby at the forefront, driving the evolution and development of the company’s inbound approach.

“Our team was focused on demand generation, so MQL and SQL were our primary results.”

But with a disparate tech stack, there was no way to visualise full-funnel performance, attribute sales, or make data-based business decisions.

“We had a real lack of visibility over which efforts were generating good quality leads. We decided to invest in a full CRM because it would give us more marketing capability and fire power.”

Lack of Attribution Data

While Jonathan and his team were able to gather some data from their marketing channels, they had no way to assess actual ROI in their funnels.

“From a sales attribution perspective, there was little visibility into what was working and what wasn’t, and no holistic view across the marketing programme. And for our heavily inbound model, that was crucial.”

Unable to identify which campaigns were driving sales versus just netting in-app engagement, it was extremely difficult to manage ad spends efficiently.

“We do a lot of work through PPC, paid social, and organic search. But without being able to understand how channels were ultimately affecting sales, we were just making our best educated guesses.”

No automation capability

Another obstacle for the kind of growth Jonathan envisioned was a lack of marketing automation.

“It affected the team across both marketing and sales. Everything was being done in a manual fashion, and it wasn’t as efficient as we needed it to be.”

From personalised content sequences to time-saving workflows, the separate marketing and sales tools just couldn’t deliver the power that MasterMover needed to scale.

“We had a very basic CRM and a completely separate tool for email. The setup gave us no automation capabilities.”

No data to drive business insights

While the old CRM had capably stored customer information, Jonathan knew that more sophisticated features like lead scoring and workflows would help his team deliver stronger customer service and close more sales.

“Our old system just didn’t give the sales team the ability to manage the pipeline or organise customer relationships effectively.”

Unleashing Growth with a Full CRM

Implementing HubSpot’s full CRM poised MasterMover for powerful scaling.

“We’re an ambitious global business. We invested in HubSpot because we want it to drive our growth in the next five and ten years, and we know it will grow with us.”

They had briefly considered Salesforce, but HubSpot came out a clear winner for its flexibility and versatility.

“In HubSpot, you can build your reports and dashboards to focus on the data that matters to you. We use it to power marketing, to manage our sales pipeline, and to systematise our quotes. Our service team is increasingly using it as well. The fact everything is on one system is a huge advantage, and helps us realise a single version of the truth across the business”

They implemented Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, and Service Hub, and engaged integration partner Karman Digital.

Optimising efforts with Marketing Hub

With accurate, end-to-end attribution of campaign performance and time-saving automations, Marketing Hub expanded capacity for Jonathan’s team. 

“It allowed the marketing team to accomplish more and do it more efficiently, with a greater understanding of what works and what doesn’t.”

The data helped them optimise activities and direct their resources and time towards efforts that moved the needle on their key objective: netting high-quality leads for the sales team.

It wasn’t long before HubSpot’s clear visibility proved its value.

“Recently, we were running a campaign on Facebook which was generating a lot of MQLs as brochure downloads. It looked brilliant on a chart, but using Hubspot’s data, we were able to see that those conversions weren’t actually bringing sales through the door.”

Jonathan’s team was able to reallocate those funds to efforts that generated higher quality leads.

Maximising efficiency with automations

Having an all-in-one CRM has enabled MasterMover to level up their marketing strategy and efficiency.

“HubSpot is the bedrock of everything we do. We use it massively in marketing, for automations, emails, campaigns and tracking performance.”

From chatbots that engage with inbound inquiries, to email sequences that nurture leads, the automations have increased the quality of leads and help the team accomplish more than they could with the old manual processes.

“When an inbound inquiry becomes an MQL, they get contacted automatically and provided a resource and follow-up content to increase engagement. It’s been really effective. Once they become an SQL, there’s another automation that makes sure they go to the right person in the sales team and that they get contacted quickly, with tasks in place to ensure this happens. It’s had a great impact for us and ensures we’re communicating well and managing leads properly.”

Customer-friendly growth with Sales Hub

The additional capabilities have also helped MasterMover improve the customer experience.

“Having that information in HubSpot and being able to identify where attention is required makes life easier for our team. Ultimately, that’s good for our customers.”

The reports, workflows, and quoting tool within the CRM help sales reps manage the leads assigned to them, deliver a consistent brand experience, and keep deals moving forward.

Management uses the dashboard to monitor the pipeline and gain insights so they can make sure there are resources available to meet customer needs.

“We have much greater visibility now. We can see how much is in the pipeline, and also what types of opportunities. What industries do the leads relate to? What machine ranges? With better insights, we can support more strategic decision-making.”

Business insights that accelerate scaling

That granular level of analytic detail has been key in helping MasterMover scale.

“This much greater visibility of information is helping our leadership really understand where the business is at. We can see the capacity of sales in real time and know when it’s time to increase the sales team or support someone who’s inundated. Those sorts of insights are really valuable.”

From adjusting the makeup of the sales team to developing new product lines, HubSpot’s data helps the company grow efficiently at every step.

“We can see which market segments have a high-converting pipeline, and also which sectors tend to want our more advanced solutions. It helps us drive more efficient growth and capture good opportunities.”

Aligning marketing and sales

Bringing the marketing and sales data into one view has allowed the teams to pull as one.

“With everyone working from that single source of truth, there’s no more disparate data. It eliminates a lot of problems with mismatched efforts and allows our leadership to rely on that data to make decisions.”

That rock-solid trust helps MasterMover move forward with confidence as they dive deeper into HubSpot’s features and plan further evolutions of their strategy.

30% MQL to SQL conversion rate

With HubSpot’s full CRM, MasterMover went from having no full-funnel analytics to unlocking critical business insights and driving their inbound strategy forward.

“Last quarter, 30% of our marketing qualified leads converted to sales qualified leads. Now that we have HubSpot, we can see where we’re at, and we know what to do next to refine and optimise our pipeline.”

With automated marketing content and sales workflows, Jonathan’s teams are accomplishing more with every campaign, and delivering an outstanding customer experience. That would never have been possible with their old, disparate systems.

“It’s been a huge step forward and given us critical data visibility. The next challenge is to really hone in on the possibilities and continue evolving our processes.”

Some future plans include moving the MasterMover website onto the HubSpot CMS, and developing workflows to optimise follow-up on the beautifully branded and regionally customised quotes that are produced within Sales Hub.

“HubSpot is a best-in-class, full-suite product that can absolutely power your business across marketing, sales, and service. We’re excited to move further into the HubSpot ecosystem and confident it will have a big impact.”