Case Studies | HubSpot


Written by Alexis Gainey | May 24, 2024 3:51:34 PM


From Multichannel to Omnichannel: Building a complete Customer Experience with HubSpot

Santagostino has always recognized the need to place patients at the center of its development strategy, providing them with a completely digitalized and improved experience. To achieve this goal, Santagostino initially did not use external suppliers, adopting an internal approach to marketing instead.

Before its collaboration with Delmonte HubSpot Diamond Partner, Santagostino's communication and marketing activities were mainly articulated through channels such as its corporate website, social networks and widely-distributed newsletters. After successful results obtained by the internal marketing team, Santagostino decided to take an additional step forward through the adoption of a more structured approach to fully integrate its online and offline experiences, building a smart, customized and omnichannel Customer Experience.

Due to the failure in the application of another marketing automation platform which did not guarantee the desired results, Santagostino decided to look for different solutions that could satisfy the company’s needs. The first one was HubSpot. With its core features, it allowed rapid implementation and strong capabilities for the company to adapt and evolve with its use. The second one was Delmonte. It offered an organization model based on agile pods which enabled the success of the company’s strategy. 

As a result, with the help of Delmonte and the use of HubSpot Marketing Hub Enterprise, Santagostino worked toward digitizing the experience and finding new solutions and tools to maximize patient satisfaction. The project was developed in successive steps with three main streams: Marketing Automation, retargeting Paid Campaigns and SEO.

Increasing Customer Lifetime Value with Advanced Marketing Automation

Before thinking about Lead Generation, Santagostino decided to invest in Customer Retention activities to retain existing customers. To increase the Customer Lifetime Value and maximize the satisfaction of each patient, Santagostino used HubSpot CRM and Marketing tools to create an advanced Marketing Automation strategy.

This project phase, which followed the GDPR data processing regulations, included customer segmentation and the creation of a customized data structure and appropriate database management workflows with the aim of keeping the CRM clean and updated. The Marketing Automation strategy was developed on various levels with various types of completely customized communications:

  • Regular: aimed at annual prevention visits to keep a relationship with customers based on their interests;
  • Trigger: based on previous interactions between patients and medical centers (online behavior, interactions with digital touchpoints, etc.);
  • Upselling: for promoting post-examination medical visits or follow-up visits just out recently by the patient;
  • Demographic data: based on the age and gender of the patient;
  • e-Health: for promoting telemedicine services, especially during the Covid-19 period;
  • Birthdays: for sending birthday wishes and offering small gifts;
  • Reminders: simple workflows that send useful information and instructions for upcoming medical visits or psychiatric counseling sessions;
  • Follow-ups for sending communications in the form of an ebook or other online material download;
  • Growth diary: the latest workflow category introduced. This is a service aimed at helping parents with the most important stages of a child's growth by offering vaccination appointments, recommended specialist visits and information content in the "pediatrician's advice" section.

Before the adoption of HubSpot, Santagostino only sent regular newsletters to a customer base of more than 90,000. However, today, thanks to the implementation of HubSpot, Santagostino’s customer base has grown 20 times larger (to a total of 830,000 contacts). This allows the planning of large CRM marketing campaigns which quarterly influence an average of 13,000 bookings.

The chart above shows the number of medical visits’ bookings driven by email marketing campaigns over the last quarter. Data updated to December 2023.


Lead Generation with Paid Campaigns and SEO

After working on Customer Retention, Santagostino and Delmonte developed a Customer Acquisition project. First, to generate more qualified leads, Santagostino implemented both retargeting and cold public Social Advertising Campaigns using updated patient data stored in the HubSpot CRM and HubSpot Ads tool. This data made it possible to create customized audiences based on the Customer Journey stages, thereby improving the Customer Experience and maximizing ROAS.

Before its collaboration with Delmonte and the adoption of HubSpot, Santagostino’s communication was based on Traffic and Awareness campaigns without a clear tracking process and ROAS measurement.

Today, Santagostino sponsors over 30 medical services through Paid Campaigns with a coverage of over 3,000,000 people, leading to approximately  6,000 bookings this year and an average ROAS of 5. These results are possible thanks to Delmonte’s tracking process and the definition of the audience through the data stored in HubSpot. 

In addition to the paid campaigns, Santagostino also generates leads through the use of Content Marketing and SEO. Santagostino has undertaken the development of an Enterprise SEO project to grow both Brand Awareness and the positioning of transactional keywords. This project has three main phases:

  1. A content approach guided by the fusion and combination of Artificial Intelligence and copywriting at the highest levels. Santagostino used content as the main source for patients to find high-quality health information and create brand awareness for their health services;
  2. Technical optimization to ensure maximum performance of website architecture in terms of accessibility, speed and readability by crawlers in terms of indexing;
  3. Digital PR coordination to route and improve Santagostino's digital footprint with a view to exponential brand growth. 

Since the beginning of the SEO enterprise project in July 2021, Santagostino's organic traffic has increased by 1,329%, from 185k to 2.7 million monthly sessions. Positioned keywords recorded an 881.2% increase, from 51k keywords (July 2021) to 503k (December 2023).

The traffic graph shows the progress of website. Since the start of the ongoing SEO activity (July 2021), unbranded organic traffic has seen a 1,329% increase. Data updated to December 2023.