Case Studies | HubSpot

How HubSpot Helped Solomon Investment Partners Quadruple Sales in 16 Months

Written by Rodrigo Souto | Dec 15, 2021 3:51:38 PM


Managing Marketing, Sales, and Customer Support Without a Global Business View

Solomon Investment Partners' Head of Digital Marketing, Simon Greenwood, is responsible for the company's digital marketing efforts, with a particular focus on email marketing to drive new business.

"Success for us is generating quality leads, which our sales teams can follow up on and convert into customers."

While leads are vital for Solomon IP's growth, simply generating them wasn't helping them scale effectively. Simon's team needed automated pipeline workflows and improved lifecycle transparency to accelerate sales and create better customer experiences.

They also had to understand where people are in the pipeline, the trends in the buying journey, and easily report on sales activities.

Before HubSpot, Solomon IP was using Pipedrive CRM, along with other point solutions. Its data was outdated and saved on clunky spreadsheets, which affected departments' overall transparency and slowed teams. As a result, the company's growth was stalling.

"We needed a tool that was a lot slicker, more intuitive, and integrated better with our systems," explains Simon. A better CRM solution to automate work, eliminate friction and empower teams to do their best work.

Solomon IP’s new Property Investment Director had used HubSpot while working at a previous company and was a strong advocate. He persuaded the managing director to invest in HubSpot as its sole source of truth. 

And that’s how Solomon IP got started with HubSpot.


All-in-one CRM Solution to Align Data, Channels, and Teams around a Single Source of Truth

Tom Crossley, Solomon IP’s Revenue Operations Manager, makes sure the company uses HubSpot to its full potential, oversees the entire sales lifecycle, and cross-references lead information. “Having all data in one place — from the moment a lead arrives until it’s converted — gives us better clarity and ensures the business is running smoothly,” he explains. 
HubSpot’s all-in-one CRM platform for Solomon IP includes:
  • Marketing Hub to attract the right audience, convert more leads, and run complete inbound marketing campaigns at scale.
  • HubSpot Sales Hub to help sales teams close more deals, deepen relationships with leads, and manage their pipeline more effectively.
  • HubSpot Service Hub to provide a stellar customer experience.
Before HubSpot, Solomon IP maintained a repository of spreadsheets that were difficult to manage. Using HubSpot as its one source of truth ensures all interactions are saved to a single timeline, improving transparency and keeping all departments on the same page. “With HubSpot, we’ve got all data inside the CRM and can create explicit graphics everyone understands,” explains Simon.

Managing Reputation

Being able to showcase data in a more intuitive, user-friendly way helps Solomon IP make more informed business decisions.
For example, the   HubSpot Email Health tool  tracks its email open rate, bounce rate, and overall engagement. “It helped us realize how poor our email health was, clean up our data and finesse our email marketing efforts,” says Simon. Now, his team sends out better, personalized content that aligns with the company’s marketing goals.


Never Missing an Opportunity to Connect With Prospects

When it comes to converting leads, timing is key for Solomon IP. The customized reporting dashboards in HubSpot ensure sales teams have quick access to updated information and the multiple workflows allow for seamless ticket assignment and task creation.
Plus, teams can easily organize leads based on urgency. “Thanks to HubSpot, we can audit trails, see the last time we contacted leads, and quickly follow up and re-engage them,” explains Tom.
According to him, HubSpot is saving his team precious time. “We don’t have to scroll through useless notes. We use filters and fields to see the last time we contacted leads and quickly re-engage and follow up with them.”


Real-Time Sales Reports For Setting and Meeting Targets

The HubSpot Dashboard & Reporting Software also helps Tom and Simon look back at sales reps’ activity history and report on it. “It’s how our executive committee knows who's performing and who's not.” 

The thing Simon loves most about HubSpot is its ease of use. “I'm a non-technical person, but I can always find what I want. There's also loads of information online and a huge community ready to help you out,” he says.

Solomon IP knows consumers today are savvier than ever and hate being sold to. HubSpot makes it easy for them to stay in touch with prospects and educate and bring value. “We now focus on sharing industry news with clients, rather than just selling to them,” adds Tom.

The result?

They’ve been turning more leads into customers.



Increased Sales 4x Within 16 Months

From day one, Solomon IP found HubSpot easy to get started with and flexible to customize to meet its business needs. 

After automating some of its repetitive processes, its sales teams improved at managing clients and prospecting data. They’ve been freeing up their time, making more calls, and engaging in more conversations. As a result, the number of sales they generate has quadrupled over a 16-month period.

HubSpot’s Email Health beta feature identified ways in which Solomon IP could improve its email marketing efforts. As soon as they started sending more educational and personalized content, its email health rocketed and increased by 18% in the last four months.

HubSpot empowered Solomon IP’s sales, marketing, and support teams to adapt to their next growth phase quickly. “HubSpot enabled us to work faster and find ways to grow our business.”

Solomon IP is confident HubSpot will continue to grow and scale with it. “We keep investing in the HubSpot CRM Platform, upgrading to Pro licenses. We've gone from 8 sales seats to 22. It shows the confidence we've got in it and our commitment to it moving forward,” concludes Tom.