Case Studies | HubSpot


Written by Steph Crigler | May 18, 2022 2:48:24 AM

Lacking an Inbound Methodology

To meet the diverse needs of the Australian market and bring its products to more consumers, SPC needed to transform their traditional outbound tactics to a customer-centric inbound approach. The manufacturer also lacked a single source of truth for their customer base, leading to inefficiencies and inconsistencies in how it was interacting with distributors, retailers, and customers. Finally, SPC’s sales teams lacked a streamlined process to manage leads, close deals, and report on their performance.

Transforming Tactics

By working with a HubSpot consultant, SPC received strategic advice and tailored recommendations to create and implement an inbound strategy. The consultant used the monthly sessions to define SPC’s sales process, chart their customer journey, and recommend how they could tailor their marketing and sales tactics to meet the needs of their customers. Through the consultations, SPC also learned how to consolidate their data into the HubSpot CRM, create personalized marketing campaigns, and build automated workflows to nurture leads into customers.

As a testament to their growth, SPC acquired The Kuisine Company in 2020. The acquisition brought The Good Meal Co, an institutional foodservice brand, into the SPC family. By working with their HubSpot consultant, SPC was able to migrate The Good Meal Co’s data and processes onto SPC’s HubSpot portal. The goal was to improve data transparency, facilitate sharing of best practices, and strengthen sales alignment between the two brands.

A Single Source of Truth

By moving to HubSpot and working closely with their strategic consultant to implement an organization-wide inbound transformation program, SPC now has a single source of truth for sales and marketing and an integrated process to manage their leads and customers. 

With these building blocks, SPC was able to increase their leads by 18% MoM and run highly-targeted email marketing campaigns to different segments of their database, resulting in a 19% YoY increase in email open rates. Their HubSpot consultant also coached SPC’s sales teams to build custom reports and extract meaningful insights from these reports. 

“Wai Yan has been instrumental in helping us set up Sales Team Dashboards, which has provided us with increased clarity and transparency,” says Thorn.

Thanks to the increased efficiency and productivity, SPC was able to grow their business by closing 155% more deals year-over-year. SPC and The Good Meal Co continue to work with HubSpot to improve go-to-market strategies, like designing differentiated sales processes for high-touch versus low-touch customer segments.