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Yubi increases meetings booked by 400% with HubSpot

Founded in 2020, Yubi is the world's first possibility platform powering the discovery, investment, and fulfilment of credit. Yubi is re-defining global debt markets by freeing the flow of finance between borrowers, lenders, and investors.Since implementing HubSpot, Yubi saw significant improvements in their commercial team alignment and conversion rates.

  • 400% increase in meetings booked

  • 50% increase in lead conversion rate


Yubi is the world's first possibility platform powering the discovery, investment, and fulfilment of credit. Yubi is re-defining global debt markets by freeing the flow of finance between borrowers, lenders, and investors.


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    Limited visibility of sales and marketing funnels

    Before HubSpot, both the Yubi marketing and sales teams struggled with having a 360-degree view of their customer journeys. The team used Freshsales as their CRM before hubspot, however, the marketing capabilities such as automation, and the degree of customisation offered were too limited for the needs and vision of the Yubi team. 

    This made collaboration between marketing, sales, and business development teams challenging. Sales and business development teams had a limited understanding of the context of leads coming through, and hence lead follow-up and conversion rates were not as efficient as they could be. At the same time, reporting and analysis of sales and marketing efforts were incomplete without a full-stack tool, which prevented both teams from optimising their processes. 

    Without a robust marketing automation feature, the Yubi marketing team were not able to nurture the demand that they have captured. With leads sitting in their database that the Yubi team had no way of engaging at scale, the effectiveness of each marketing campaign was limited.

    The Yubi team sought an all-in-one sales and marketing platform that not only had the capabilities to solve these challenges, but was easy to use and implement as well. As such, the Yubi team onboarded HubSpot as their customer platform of choice. 


    Capturing demand with HubSpot forms

    Prior to HubSpot, the Yubi team struggled to accurately capture market demand for their services in a timely way. “The most transformative tool within HubSpot for Yubi would be HubSpot forms. With the ability to include forms on our web pages, our prospects can submit an enquiry at any stage of the customer journey,” shares Ashna Chopra, Senior Director, Demand Generation and Growth at Yubi.

    Streamlining the customer journey

    When marketing and sales are not working in alignment, customer journeys tend to be fragmented and clunky. Implementing HubSpot allowed Yubi’s marketing and sales team to have a full picture of the customer journey as they move from marketing touch points to sale touch points, and were able to eliminate unnecessary steps in that journey. 

    “Previously, our email marketing campaigns would direct our prospects to a webpage where they have the option to fill up a form to speak to sales. We saw a poor conversion rate from that workflow. HubSpot enabled us to work with the sales team to test replace the call to action with a direct book-a-meeting link in our email campaigns. With this small change, we saw a 400% increase in meetings booked.”

    Not only was the impact of meetings booked significant, the team was able to reduce the lead follow-up time from 10 days to 2 days with HubSpot. 


    Customising buying journeys with multi-channel drip campaigns

    With HubSpot, the marketing team at Yubi was able to set up multi-channel drip campaigns that are customised based on intent data and user behaviour. HubSpot’s workflows tool, enables the marketing team to build automated workflows to trigger targeted communications across multiple channels based on user actions taken.

    “The automated drip campaign is meant to aid the prospective clients while incentivising autonomous journey(self serve), and in the case where there is a drop off, to get them back into the system through multi channel nudges. Based on actions taken via email, WhatsApp or SMS, keeping in mind their preferred communication channel, we send informative messages or nudge emails at regular intervals to keep them engaged with our platform till onboarding(conversion),” explains Ashna.

    The conversion rate of a lead that has been touched by marketing was 50% higher than converting a cold-sourced process - which further proved the impact of marketing efforts on accelerating the customer journey.

    WhatsApp Image 2023-08-22 at 11.09.22
    The most transformative tool within HubSpot for Yubi would be HubSpot forms. With the ability to include forms on our web pages, our prospects can submit an enquiry at any stage of the customer journey.
    colorful still life with people and technology

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