Today we’re proud to share that HubSpot’s co-founder and CEO Brian Halligan has been awarded Glassdoor’s Highest Rated CEO recognition for 2015. The award is particularly special because it’s a “people’s choice” award voted on by many of the people that know Brian best, HubSpot employees.

Among CEOs recognized in the US at small and mid-size companies, Brian received an impressive 94% approval rating based on the anonymous and voluntary reviews HubSpot employees shared on Glassdoor throughout the past year. To add to that, Brian was also recognized by B2B News Network as one of the Top 10 Most Interesting B2B Executives in the World among the likes of other thought leaders like the CEO of Box Aaron Levie, CEO of Microsoft Satya Nadella and CEO of Salesforce Marc Benioff.

Brian embodies the characteristics that are most important at HubSpot -- humility, effectiveness, adaptability, remarkability, and transparency -- and is committed to making sure that HubSpot always remains a place where people want to come to work everyday. He’s a confident, engaged leader with an ‘x’ factor that often can’t be explained in words. But it’s those very qualities that make us love him most:

Like, his keen ability to express himself through dance:

  • The way he can seamlessly bring together some of his greatest loves in life:

  • Or make one of them a household name for HubSpotters around the world, employees and fans alike. #Romeo


  • His impressive ability to nap wherever, whenever -- and making it acceptable office practice:



  • But most especially, he’s always good for a hug:


Originally published Jun 10, 2015 9:07:00 AM, updated January 18 2023


awards Culture People