Branching Logic, Content Calendar, Attribution and Revenue Reporting Among Product Launches at #INBOUND14

This week, HubSpot, a marketing and sales platform company, announced ten new features for its marketing platform to an audience of over 8,000 attendees at #INBOUND14. The launches represent significant improvements to the company’s integrated inbound marketing platform, including conditional logic in marketing automation workflows, an email optimizer, advanced revenue reporting, a comprehensive content calendar, and anonymous personalization, which will be made available to the company’s 11,500 customers worldwide immediately. Details on all of the products and updates are available at


Of the product launches, HubSpot co-founder and CTO Dharmesh Shah stated “Our ultimate goal since we started HubSpot has been to help companies and agencies worldwide grow their business with inbound marketing. Today’s product launches represent massive leaps in what’s possible for marketers with HubSpot’s platform, and include features that will help marketers worldwide fundamentally transform the buying experience for their prospects, customers, and leads.”

Today’s product innovation announcements address more than 143 feature requests and feedback from customers: 

  •       Branching logic in Workflows to make HubSpot’s marketing platform (rated #1 in customer satisfaction by VentureBeat and G2Crowd) even more powerful.

  •       Attribution Reporting, a new report to help marketers identify which content, channels, and campaigns are influencing conversions and adjust their investments of time and money accordingly.

  •       An expansion of Revenue Reporting in HubSpot to work with a range of CRMs and tie marketing channels, content offers, and campaigns to your business’s bottom line.

  •       A Content Calendar to effectively assign, schedule, publish, and organize content from one central location.

  •       Anonymous Personalization to personalize content based on a visitor’s device, location, or referral source, taking smart content to the next level to improve engagement and conversion rates from the moment someone sets foot on your website. 

  •       A Campaign Wizard to serve as command central to accelerate the creation and organization of all your campaign assets in one place.

  •       Suggested streams within Social Inbox, which will bring tailored recommendations for monitoring and help marketers maximize their ROI from social in twenty minutes per day.

  •       An Email Optimizer to improve deliverability, catch email errors before they are sent, and optimize the timing of sends based on previous email sends.

  •       An Email Dashboard to provide better send and campaign-level data in one organized place.

  •       List Analytics to diagnose the health and engagement of your contact database, preventing list decay and diminishing returns on your marketing database over time.


#INBOUND14 tweets captured the exciting announcements; here are a few examples:

Finally, @HubSpot launches a #content calendar and branching workflows! This nerd is excited! #INBOUND14 - @Megan_Marie_T

Attribution Reporting too? My heart can't take all of this #INBOUND14 - @MaryCateDuffy

Cannot wait to check out  as I am loving these new features for Inbound Marketing #inbound14 - @BaroqueDaniel 

For more information on HubSpot’s marketing announcements, please visit, and for more information on HubSpot’s sales product launches from earlier this week, check out 


About HubSpot

HubSpot is the world’s leading inbound marketing and sales platform. Since 2006, HubSpot has been on a mission to make the world more inbound. Today, over 11,500 customers in more than 70 countries use HubSpot’s software, services, and support to transform the way they attract, engage, and delight customers. HubSpot’s inbound marketing software, ranked #1 in customer satisfaction by VentureBeat and G2Crowd, includes social media publishing and monitoring, blogging, SEO, website content management, email marketing, marketing automation, and reporting and analytics, all in one integrated platform. Signals, HubSpot’s award-winning sales application, enables sales and service teams to have more effective conversations with leads, prospects, and customers. HubSpot is headquartered in Cambridge, MA with offices in Dublin, Ireland, and Sydney, Australia, and has been recognized by Inc., Forbes, and Deloitte as one of the world’s fastest-growing companies. Learn more at


Media Contact:

Hannah Fleishman

Originally published Sep 17, 2014 9:18:01 AM, updated January 18 2023