This week, employee review platform Comparably launched their 2019 award recognitions, based on reviews left by employees over the past year. We’re humbled to be recognized in four categories alongside admirable companies who inspire us across tech, retail, finance and more. HubSpot was named a top workplace in the following categories:


“While the honor of being recognized as a top workplace is a feeling that will never wear, what I love most about these awards is that they come directly from our employees,” said Katie Burke, HubSpot’s Chief People Officer. “Feedback is integral to how we grow better as a company and culture. We rely on our employees to share the good, the bad, and everything in between on all aspects of our culture, and the ways they want to grow both personally and professionally at HubSpot.”

Below are a few examples of how we’ve built an award-winning culture thanks to the reviews of our employees, and how we bring our culture of inclusion, transparency and “always be growing” to life through individual programs, workshops, trainings and more led by HubSpotters, for HubSpotters.

#2 Best Company for Professional Development

Our mission as a company is to help millions of organizations grow better, and as we work toward that goal, we want to help our employees grow better, too. That’s why we’re passionate about creating workshops, trainings and programs to encourage HubSpotters to grow both personally and professionally. Our Learning and Development team runs trainings on everything from giving and receiving feedback to unconscious bias training. We also run a one-week mini-MBA training called Fellows, in which employees in our global offices have the opportunity to take part in an intensive classroom-style program to learn from our executives, Harvard Business School Professors, and others on everything from SaaS economics to competitive strategy.

As we work towards creating more opportunities and empowering employees of every background to advance and develop in their careers at HubSpot, we know we can only do so by creating a safe space where employees feel they can speak up and share their ideas, opinions and feedback. That’s why we’re also focused on creating trainings and workshops to help our leaders and employees learn how to foster psychologically safe workplaces and teams.

Our Management and Leadership Development team creates programming globally to provide remarkable workshops for managers and aspiring leaders to continue growing in their careers. Our Psychological Safety training courses for managers and employees was launched at the end of 2018 in our global offices to both teach employees what it truly means to feel psychologically safe, and to help managers learn how to create psychologically safe spaces on their teams. These trainings have encouraged and helped managers establish trust and open idea sharing on their teams, allowing for even more lines of open communication globally, which has only helped in providing more ideas on how we can continue building our culture to be one of transparency, autonomy and belonging.

HubSpot’s VP of Management and Leadership Development, Laura Parrott said of the trainings, “Everyone at HubSpot should have the experience of being part of a team with solid psychological safety, and see how it benefits the team, our company, and our customers. Each of us is responsible for building and maintaining a safe team dynamic; we also know that our managers can set the tone and send signals that impact psychological safety on a team. To that end, we, the Management & Leadership team, have dedicated significant time and energy to building content on psych safety and bringing managers together to discuss it. It’s been a part of Manager Fundamentals since the beginning of the year. We’ve run multiple sessions of our ThinkSpace on the topic across all regions (and more are coming!). We’ve facilitated many intact team discussions across multiple functions, including Customer Success, Engineering, Sales, and People Ops - and there’s only more to come. Psychological safety is a set of actions, rather than just an intellectual concept. Talking about it with your team, and brainstorming ideas with them and your peers are effective ways to build it.”

#2 Best Leadership Team

HubSpot’s leaders lead with empathy and have a passion for helping their teams grow and succeed at HubSpot and beyond. That’s why our leaders go on an annual West Coast field trip to talk and meet with companies we admire on everything from culture to strategy. Then, our leaders take that knowledge back to Cambridge to share with HubSpotters at our quarterly company meetings.

Transparency is a pillar of how we operate at HubSpot, and why our leaders are so incredibly open about everything from business performance to utilizing our unlimited vacation policy. Our leaders walk the walk on transparency, and strive to lead by example to encourage their teams to do the same, whether that’s sharing a challenge they’re facing and asking for feedback from their teams, or “leaving loudly” when they head out of the office early to pick up their kids from school, or take a vacation with their families.

HubSpotters have shared feedback and reviews about our leadership team across Comparably. Here’s what they had to say in regards to how our leaders lead with empathy, inclusivity and transparency.

“HubSpot's leaders are truly remarkable. They care about your personal and professional growth and are passionate about solving for the customer.” Operations Team Member

“I like how accessible and transparent they are. Access to information is democratized, there are no gates, which allows the entire team to move quickly. They also care deeply about Diversity & inclusion.” Product Team Member

“They have a clear vision for the business and communicate that vision well. They are always looking out into the future and making the right decisions to get us to that future today.” Sales Team Member

#3 Best CEO for Women and #6 Best CEO for Diversity

HubSpot CEO Brian Halligan often says, “I want to create a company my kids and grandkids can be proud of.” And that means creating a company of trust, empathy and inclusivity. We’re lucky to have a leader who understands the importance of belonging in the workplace, and is dedicated to creating a culture that empowers employees of every background to advance in their careers.

At HubSpot, our Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging team works with our D&I Muscle Group, which includes Brian Halligan, and Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) to understand and define challenges as well as accomplishments in how we think about hiring and advancing people of underrepresented minorities at HubSpot. One of the event series that we run, Women Who Lead, came out of these discussions as a way to better align and address intersectionality between our Women@HubSpot and People of Color at HubSpot (POCaH) ERGs. The event series hosts both internal and external events in which we invite a panel of entrepreneurs to discuss how we – as HubSpotters, as members of our community, and as contributors to the tech industry worldwide – can support the advancement of female leaders of color. Each series discusses a different, unique theme such as entrepreneurship, representation and finding your voice, to educate the community on the many different avenues, challenges and success on the journey to leadership. We were humbled to receive recognition for this event series by the Boston Women’s Workforce Council this month as the most innovative initiative to advance women of color in the workplace.

Our work to create a diverse and inclusive company will never be done. There will always be more we can learn and do as we strive to foster a workplace where our employees will always feel welcome, and we’re proud that our CEO and leaders believe in supporting and empowering people of all backgrounds to help us grow better as a company.

While we’re proud of these recognitions, we know that there’s always more we can do to build a company future generations can be proud of as well. We’ll keep listening to employees and adapting and improving our culture to match the ways our employees want to learn and grow. So, thank you to our employees for your invaluable feedback and reviews as we continue to build a remarkable company culture together.

Originally published Jun 27, 2019 4:39:42 PM, updated January 19 2023