At HubSpot, we get a lot of press attention for our unique approach to work and life, which includes unlimited vacation, a nap room, and a three word policy for pretty much everything: use good judgment. Many of those benefits are described as being part of our approach to recruit and retain millennials, which is certainly the case. However one thing that often goes overlooked is how impactful some of these policies can be for working parents at HubSpot.

Specifically, at most companies, working parents are managed by exception. Want to leave at 3:30 for your child’s tball game? You need permission to do that. Work from home on Fridays? Manager exception required. Exhausted from a long night with a newborn and want to catch a quick nap? Good luck with that. At HubSpot, none of those scenarios are edge cases, and every working parent is given autonomy to solve for our customers, our company, and for their own family as well.

Simply put, we aspire to be a destination for working parents, and to create a workplace that parents (and their kids) truly love. To celebrate, we invited HubSpotters and their families to join us for an early edition of Take Your Kids to Work Day on April 8th. We had a lot of activities, but one of them was asking the kids in attendance what work should be like, and the resulting video is jam-packed with wisdom.

Check out the video and photo wrap-up from the day here, and if you know someone who would be a good fit for our team, refer them here. In the meantime, we’re actively recruiting these smart and adorable kids to be part of our intern class in 2024--it’s never too early to get started.

Originally published Apr 23, 2015 8:03:00 AM, updated January 18 2023

