We’re incredibly proud to announce that InboundCycle has reachedDiamond_Badge-4.png Diamond status withinHubSpot’s Partner Agency Program, which empowers agencies to grow their business with integrated inbound marketing strategies, solutions, and services. The HubSpot Agency Partner program has more than 2,500 member agencies worldwide, nine of which have reached Diamond status. InboundCycle is a Spanish based agency in Barcelona and the first international agency in the program to reach Diamond status.

InboundCycle, who won the Client Growth Award (International) at this year’s INBOUND15 Partner Awards in September, attained Diamond tier status this month after surpassing $40,000 in monthly managed revenue from their client base. Led by co-founders Pau Valdes and David Tomás, InboundCycle has grown their client base by truly understanding the value of inbound for their own business and the work that they do for their clients every day.

“The success that InboundCycle has achieved as a HubSpot Partner Agency is beyond impressive and we could not be happier to celebrate them in their rise to Diamond status,” said Brian Halligan, HubSpot CEO & co-founder. “InboundCycle has truly embraced the power of the inbound methodology, helping businesses transform their marketing and sales to match the way consumers actually shop and buy and doing better business in the process.”

InboundCycle’s success demonstrates how inbound and HubSpot are able to helps agencies scale client acquisition and client success. At a time when many most mid-sized agencies are struggling to grow, InboundCycle is excelling. Cheers to InboundCycle and their contibued growth as a Diamond HubSpot Partner Agency!

Originally published Jan 21, 2016 11:08:30 AM, updated January 18 2023