We’re incredibly proud to announce HubSpot’s first-ever Diamond Agency Partner. The HubSpot Partner Program empowers agencies to grow their business with integrated inbound marketing strategies, solutions, and services. We have over 120 Silver Partners, 91 Gold Partners, and 15 Platinum Partners and for the first time ever, one Diamond Partner.

Square 2 Marketing, HubSpot’s Agency Partner of the year in 2013, attained Diamond tier status this month after surpassing $50,000 in monthly managed revenue from their client base. Led by Founders, President and Chief Marketing Scientist Mike Lieberman and Chief Marketing Officer Eric Keiles, Square 2 Marketing has grown their client base by embracing inbound marketing and HubSpot with their clients and now manages twice the amount of customers than the next closest Platinum Partner.

“Inbound helps businesses transform their marketing to match the way consumers actually shop and buy” said HubSpot co-founder and CEO Brian Halligan. “Square 2 Marketing has not only done that, but has also helped countless other businesses market and sell in a unique way using HubSpot. We're humbled to support their success."

Of the achievement, Lieberman said, “We are on a mission to generate over 1 million leads for our clients. The combination of our inbound marketing methodology and HubSpot’s software provides our clients a marketing machine that’s unmatched. Being HubSpot’s first-ever Diamond Partner is a huge honor for Square 2 Marketing and we’re incredibly proud to pave the way for future agencies.”

Despite inbound marketing being an effective strategy for marketing agencies worldwide, Square 2 Marketing’s success hasn’t gone unnoticed. Peter Caputa, HubSpot Partner Program founder, said "by more than tripling in size in just a few years, Square 2 Marketing has demonstrated how Inbound and HubSpot helps agencies scale client acquisition and client success. In a time when most mid-sized agencies are struggling to grow, Square 2 Marketing is winning new business and renewing existing clients at a higher rate than I've ever seen at an agency."

Here at HubSpot, we’ve coined the term “drinking the orange Kool-Aid” which refers to a newly transformed inbound marketing advocate. Thanks to the success of our new Diamond Partner, HubSpotters are now “drinking the Square 2 Marketing Root Beer.”


Originally published Jun 26, 2014 11:00:00 AM, updated January 18 2023