Women’s jobs are incompatible with their lives. This is a well documented struggle. But, what’s being done to actually solve for it?

The reality is, not as much as there should be. But, there are some awesome organizations pushing the agenda forward and bringing women’s work issues to the forefront. One of my favorites is Werk, a startup focused on promoting flexibility in the workplace and partnering with employers to source top talent. Werk is the only marketplace of flexible career-building jobs aimed at keeping talented women in the workforce and advancing them to the highest levels of leadership.

Startups provide some of the best career opportunities for flexibility which is why I’m incredibly excited to share that HubSpot for Startups is officially teaming up with Werk.

When I first learned about Werk, whose efforts were recently featured in the New York Times, it felt like a breath of fresh air. I was inspired by the drive of two talented women who had set their sights on a mission that is so top of mind for me and many of my fellow coworkers and friends. I first met the Werk co-founders, Annie Dean and Anna Auerbach, at INBOUND and the first ever HubSpot for Startups pitch-off that we hosted at this year’s event.

As Annie presented in front of thousands of the world’s most forward thinking marketing and sales professionals, we were all blown away:

“The leadership pipeline is broken for women. Women are entering the workforce in equal numbers with equal talent, education, and ambition… but still, top leadership positions are held by less than 5% women.” “In the S&P 1500 there are more CEO’s named John then there are women.”

The reality is, when women rise to positions of leadership, companies improve by every single metric, and gender diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform their peers. But, 30% of talented women drop out of the workforce before assuming leadership roles, and a whopping 70% in this group would have opted to stay if they had the flexibility they needed to make it work. It’s a strategic talent solution that, simply put, is good for everyone — including a company’s bottom line. Employees with flexible schedules are more productive, effective, and less likely to leave.

With International Women’s Day around the corner, there’s no better time to do something about it. Werk is and I’m proud to say that HubSpot for Startups is supporting their efforts through this partnership. “Using the referral code HubSpot2017, HubSpot startups will receive 25% off all 90-day job posts through 2017”. You can click HERE to submit your opportunity now.


Originally published Feb 9, 2017 4:26:21 PM, updated January 18 2023