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Our Management Team

If you've read our Culture Code, you know we're unreasonably picky about our peers -- our executives included. The HubSpot management team is made up of savvy entrepreneurs and industry experts, bringing years of experience to a young company. They cultivate our strong culture and work tirelessly to help our team scale, grow, and succeed.

Andrew Lindsay

Senior VP, Corporate Development & Business Development

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Andrew serves as HubSpot's Senior VP of Corporate Development and Business Development and is responsible for the company's acquisitions activity, investments, and strategic partnerships.

Prior to joining HubSpot, Andrew held strategy positions at Jawbone, most recently as the VP of Corporate Development, where he led the company's fundraising, acquisitions, and partnerships. He was previously a consultant with McKinsey & Company and an investment banker with Merrill Lynch.

Andrew is based in San Francisco, CA and chairs the city's TechSF workforce investment group. He graduated from Harvard Law School and Harvard Business School with a JD and an MBA and completed an undergraduate BS degree at Howard University.