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HubSpot's Community for Latine Professionals. 

    Welcome! ¡Bienvenido! Bem-vindo to Conexión

    Conexión is HubSpot's dynamic online community for Latine professionals worldwide. Whether you’re looking for career support or business knowledge, this community is for you! Conexión provides a platform where you can expand your network and access valuable resources to advance your professional growth. 

    The community was established to empower Latine professionals, responding directly to the collective call for increased support, resources, and Latine representation within the HubSpot ecosystem. Conexión hosts regular networking events, masterclasses, and workshops designed to support your professional journey, including multilingual programs! Powered by The Spot platform, Conexión is your go-to hub for networking opportunities, resource sharing, collaboration, mentorship, and a wealth of exclusive programming. Get started today and join Conexión!


    Members of Conexión will have access to monthly networking events where they can connect with a global community of Latine professionals.

    Professional Development

    Grow your career or business with professional resources, exclusive workshops and masterclasses, and much more! 

    Online Platform

    Join our dedicated online platform to meet professionals across the globe, get industry insights to drive your growth, and showcase your business.

    Our Events


    Conexión Launch Party | July 25

    It's time to celebrate Conexión at our virtual launch party. Meet new community members from across the globe, learn from industry leaders, and earn prizes! RSVP today to save your spot on July 25th at 12 pm Eastern.

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    Check out our Upcoming Events

    Conexión hosts monthly networking events, workshops, panels, and exclusive programming for members. Subscribe to The Spot Google Calendar to see what's coming up!

    Sign up for our Newsletter

    Receive regular updates about the Conexión community, including exclusive events, resources, and more in our newsletter! 

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Conexión is an inclusive community intended for Latine professionals as a space to gather, connect, and share resources. All are welcome to join and support the community. 

    The Spot team partners with external organizations and individuals for events, content resources, INBOUND, and much more.  Email us at thespot@hubspot.com if you'd like to partner with us! 

    If you'd like to speak at an upcoming event, please share your speaking experience and a speaker portfolio for consideration.  

    There are plenty of ways for anyone to support and participate in the Community! Here are a few you can get started with:
    • Join one of our public workshops or masterclasses.
    • Sign up for our newsletter.
    • Follow and repost us on social media.
    • Visit our space at INBOUND!