HubSpot Customer Platform

Put your customers first and grow better with HubSpot’s AI-powered customer platform.

Get started with free tools, or get a demo of our premium software.

Product screenshot of HubSpot's free customer platform

To grow better, you need to connect better.

Traditional CRMs alone aren't enough to drive growth. Most aren’t designed for customer connection, which is critical in an AI-driven world where customers can explore, evaluate, and buy with efficiency.

HubSpot’s customer platform is so much more. It’s powered by Smart CRM that combines customer data with AI to help you adapt, products for engaging customers across the entire journey, and an ecosystem of integrations, education, and community. It’s built for businesses to connect with customers, and grow better.

Get started

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Connect your teams and tools to the customer journey.

Never miss another follow-up, handoff, or deal-closing opportunity again. With products to help all your front office teams engage with customers and Smart CRM to tie it all together, connecting the dots between customer interactions is easier than ever. Marketing, sales, and service teams all share the same underlying database, so everyone has visibility into each stage in the customer's journey. The proof is in a frictionless customer experience.

Get started

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Ignite growth while reducing cost.

Stop wasting resources on disparate tools with disconnected data. Centralizing your go-to-market efforts on a single customer platform saves you money and time as you scale. HubSpot is designed to grow with your company, making it easy to adopt products for every customer-facing team and phase of growth over time.

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Easily adapt to emerging trends and technologies.

Traditional CRMs are slow to respond to changes in customer expectations, but HubSpot’s customer platform is agile — constantly evolving to emerging trends and technologies. And with HubSpot’s connected ecosystem of app integrations, templates, educational resources, and a thriving user community, you’ll stay ahead of the industry so you’re always providing the best possible customer experience.

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Deliver on your customer promises with AI-powered tools.

Drive efficiency, spark creativity, and maximize engagement with HubSpot’s AI-powered tools. HubSpot AI helps you unlock a smarter way to work by automating tasks and revealing valuable insights. Harness the power of AI to deliver a seamless customer experience to your audience – and deliver on every customer promise.

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Thousands of Businesses Use HubSpot to Grow Better

Get Started for free with HubSpot's Customer Platform

Connect your front office teams, easily adapt to emerging industry trends and technologies, and use AI-powered tools to deliver a seamless customer experience.

Enjoy up to 1,000,000 contacts. For more detailed information on product packaging and the limits that apply, please see our Product and Services Catalog here.