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Featured Snippet

Search (CSOL) Featured Snippet in the CMS

This module is designed to optimize for SEO and can be used in varying contexts to highlight definitions, lists, etc.

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Use Cases

NOTE: Please read these best practices before using this module. 

The intent behind this module is to keep things simple — from the content, to the module fields, to the design.

The design of this module mimics that of the "Quick Answer" box you'd find in Google's search results. This was specifically done to match distinct patterns of content that Google's scrapers are looking for within your page. At the end of the day, this all means that your page should rank more effectively and be granted Google's coveted approval.



  • Paragraph: a simple paragraph of content related to a topic
  • List: either an numbered or bulleted list related to a topic
  • Each of these options should be accompanied by a header (i.e. the topic)

Things to Know

  • Choose between a simple paragraph of content, or a listing of ordered (numbered) or unordered (bulleted) items. Paragraphs are best when defining a concept or word; lists are best for "How-To" content.
  • For more information on this module and how it came to be, check in with the SEO team!

How to use this module

  • Please watch this loom to view a demo of using this module in the editor.