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Search (CSOL) Numbers in the CMS

Display up to 12 Numbers highlighting interesting and distinct data points related to the topic of a page.

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Background Options:

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Use Cases

Use these Number items to point out data relevant to the other content on your page — "proof" that lends itself to the point you are trying to make.

It could be the percentage of traffic increase you experienced last quarter, or the number of leads you closed last month, or your growth multiplier from last year.


Character Count

  • Limit stat to 3 characters, ideally (numbers like "1,000,000" don't fair well)
  • Limit optional top/bottom content to ~20 characters

Things to Know

  • Optional: top/bottom text content
  • Small numbers work best (percentages, etc.)
  • Carousel

How to use this module

  • Please watch this loom to view a demo of using this module in the editor.

What's New?

| v2.3.0 December 2023
  • Adds optional rich text section