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Page Header - Form

Search (CSOL) Page Header - Form in the CMS

Choose between Wide and Narrow containers for the form scale. On desktop, you have the option to choose between a background image OR brand shapes, in order to add visual interest. For tablet and mobile, the brand shapes are simplified. You have an optional Rich Text field underneath the header section, to include additional content if required

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Webinar: How to Kickstart an ABM Strategy in HubSpot

Tips & Tricks to Unlock the Potential of an ABM Strategy for your Business

Brands today win on customer experience. But if crafting a remarkable customer experience were easy, every company would find success.

The key insight that most marketing teams miss: to create a seamless customer experience, you need to create a seamless internal experience.

In this session, we'll walk through 5 tools in HubSpot that help marketing teams improve their internal data, processes, and reporting — achieving a more efficient, aligned, and better customer experience as a result.

Webinar: How to Kickstart an ABM Strategy in HubSpot

Tips & Tricks to Unlock the Potential of an ABM Strategy for your Business

Brands today win on customer experience. But if crafting a remarkable customer experience were easy, every company would find success.

The key insight that most marketing teams miss: to create a seamless customer experience, you need to create a seamless internal experience.

In this session, we'll walk through 5 tools in HubSpot that help marketing teams improve their internal data, processes, and reporting — achieving a more efficient, aligned, and better customer experience as a result.

Webinar: How to Kickstart an ABM Strategy in HubSpot

Tips & Tricks to Unlock the Potential of an ABM Strategy for your Business

Brands today win on customer experience. But if crafting a remarkable customer experience were easy, every company would find success.

The key insight that most marketing teams miss: to create a seamless customer experience, you need to create a seamless internal experience.

In this session, we'll walk through 5 tools in HubSpot that help marketing teams improve their internal data, processes, and reporting — achieving a more efficient, aligned, and better customer experience as a result.

Webinar: How to Kickstart an ABM Strategy in HubSpot

Tips & Tricks to Unlock the Potential of an ABM Strategy for your Business

Brands today win on customer experience. But if crafting a remarkable customer experience were easy, every company would find success.

The key insight that most marketing teams miss: to create a seamless customer experience, you need to create a seamless internal experience.

In this session, we'll walk through 5 tools in HubSpot that help marketing teams improve their internal data, processes, and reporting — achieving a more efficient, aligned, and better customer experience as a result.

Module Preview

Use Cases

Use the Page Header with Form for an event or webinar page; typically that requires a sign-up, download or registration for conversion. This module allows you to keep the form, and therefore the CTA, higher up the page. Any existing form can be added.

The Page Header is the first thing a visitor to your page will see, so make a visual impact! Feel free to add visual interest with either a background image (behind the form) or decoration brand shapes. Need an image? Check out our photos in the Digital Asset Manager.

The Page Header and description are the first text your page visitor will read so we encourage you to keep this content short, concise and relevant. The optional Rich Text section underneath allows you to add additional text.


Character Count

  • Tagline recommended maximum character count is 40
  • Recommended header character count is ~45 characters
  • Recommended description character count ~150


  • Module has 4 color themes that are White, Light, Neutral and Dark
  • Module has two section options; Header and Rich text
  • Module allows option to choose from brand graphics or background image

Things to Know

  • Adding a form and form size are mandatory. Only use MarTech approved forms. You can choose from Wide and Narrow form widths
  • Option to enable the Reduced Field Form feature to display the form as a RFF. Important Note: The RFF will not work with all forms and form settings. Review the Form Requirements found on the RFF Wiki . For questions about the RFF, reach out on Slack in #mktg-one-field-form
  • On mobile, there is no Wide and Narrow options so all forms appear the same
  • Header, Description are mandatory
  • Tagline, Rich Text Section and Background image (choose between background image and brand shapes) are optional

How to use this module

  • Please watch this loom to view a demo of using this module in the editor.

What's New?

| v2.9.0 June 2024
  • This module now has the option to enable the Reduced Field Form feature to display the form as a RFF.
| v2.3.0  December 2023
  • Adds option to assign anchor ID to form, for direct linking.