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Search (CSOL) Profiles in the CMS

Allows you to introduce team members, authors, speakers, or any other noteworthy individuals.

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Use Cases

Highlight the key speakers or authors that are making your upcoming event possible — or create an introduction page that lists all of the fantastic individuals on your team!

Include the person's name and title; add a headshot to put a face to the name; and add icon links to a handful of their social media platforms for each profile.

Highlighting one or two speakers? Or want to have longer descriptions of your speakers? We recommend using the (CSOL) Multi-Row Media w/ Rich Text module.


Character Count

  • Recommended Job Title character count is ~30 characters to avoid it wrapping into multiple lines
  • You can truncate text after 200 characters

Image Sizing

  • Profile headshot: 120x120px recommended. Please avoid adding heavy file-size images here since they will be shrunk down
  • Must be a square image

Things to Know

  • Most fields are optional for each profile
  • Recommended to create some unity between profiles (e.g. everyone has a title, or nobody does)

How to use this module

  • Please watch this loom to view a demo of using this module in the editor.