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Section Header

Search (CSOL) Section Header in the CMS

With the Section Header module you can introduce multiple content sections on a page with a unique title and optional description. This helps to visually separate your content, making it easier to digest for the viewer.

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Demo Resources for Operations Hub

Watch the below videos to see how to demo some of the key features in Operations Hub. Additionally, make sure you navigate to your demo account to check out the latest features.

Demo Resources for Operations Hub

Watch the below videos to see how to demo some of the key features in Operations Hub. Additionally, make sure you navigate to your demo account to check out the latest features.

Demo Resources for Operations Hub

Watch the below videos to see how to demo some of the key features in Operations Hub. Additionally, make sure you navigate to your demo account to check out the latest features.
Module Preview

Use Cases

The Section Header can be used over and over again on a page. It will help you to group related modules and keep your content organized.

This module also allows you to enter a unique ID. The purpose of this field is so that you can use this reference in an anchor link somewhere else on your page (e.g. in a Fixed Secondary Navigation, or in a CTA further up in the page). When the user clicks on the link, they will auto-magically be pulled down the page to your Section Header. Nifty, eh?

Make use of the Variable Padding options to better relate this module with others above or below, creating easy to visually navigate layouts.


Character Count

  • Tagline recommended maximum character count is 60
  • Recommended header character count is ~65 characters
  • Recommended description character count ~150

Image Sizing

  • If 'Divider Type: Image' is selected, then a small short image will work best as a divider. For example, our own divider image is 340px width by 55px height in dimension. Use good judgement.

Things to Know

  • Optional: tagline, description, ID, divider
  • You can specify the header element type of H2 (default) or H3 - this adjusts the sizing, illustrating importance and affects the semantic structure of the page, impacting SEO
  • ID should be unique on the page, and should not include spaces or other special characters. E.g. section-A-id
  • The Brand Graphic divider should be used sparingly (if you have many Section Headers on your page) — but adds a nice pop of color

How to use this module

  • Please watch this loom to view a demo of using this module in the editor.

What's New?

| v1.1.0 October 2022
  • Visual updates with new brand assets, removing blobs.
  • Additional tagline field provided.