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Marketing Web Modules

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Single Image

Search (CSOL) Single Image in the CMS

Use this single image spot to illustrate something meaningful and complementary to the content of the page.

Jump to Guidelines and Use Cases

Background Options:

Module Preview
Orange you going to say anything?
Orange you going to say anything?
Orange you going to say anything?
Module Preview

Use Cases

Add a true statement piece to your page to pull the viewer in and get them to continue reading your content.

Don't add too many of these to one page, as large images can slow down your page and take up a lot of space visually.


Image Sizing

  • Choose between large, medium or small image sizes
  • For large images make sure no stretching occurs and be sure to optimize your image before upload! If you have any questions about this reach out to us on slack!
  • All images are stretched to fit the specific width set by the size you select on the CMS. Be mindful of tall images (like infographics or phone screenshots)

Things to Know

  • Unnecessarily large files (> 500kb) can slow down a page

How to use this module

  • Please watch this loom to view a demo of using this module in the editor.

What's New?

| v1.5.0 April 2023
  • There is now a field for Image Loading. This defaults to Browser default. "Lazy" loading defers loading this element until it's visible on the page. This may help improve site performance.