Welcome to Guided Client Onboarding

Plan & Timeline

Client Prep | Creating a New Client Onboarding Plan

Congratulations on selling your first client! Let's get started with the HubSpot implementation for this client, here are your first steps:

Collect client information

This includes the necessary client logins and key business information such as goals and challenges.

Set clear SMART goals

Make sure you keep your goals specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

Review the sale

Take some time to review what services you sold to your client.

Create a timeline

Use all of the previous steps to create a timeline of to-do's.

All of this and more can be found in the Academy App.

Portal Setup | Managing your Client’s Account Setup

Follow the below steps to get your client's account setup:

Add portal users

Add all necessary portal users and connect social accounts.

Configure preferences

Work with your client to configure preferences for their content (hosting, templates, and so on).

Data and analytics

Turn on the client's analytics and upload their database.

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Explore integrations

Integrate the tools your clients need with their HubSpot account.

Check out the full video walk-through in the Academy app

Marketing to Sales Handoff | Handing Off Leads to Your Client's Sales Team

You're working hard to generate leads, but those leads won't turn into revenue without a close partnership with the client's sales team. To ensure leads are flowing through the buyer's journey you'll need to:

Understand your client’s sales process

Ask the right exploratory questions to define their process.

Create a handoff blueprint

Define lifecycle stages, their triggers, and who’s responsible for what.


Implement your client’s CRM

Connect your client’s CRM to HubSpot if they are not using the HubSpot CRM.

Convert leads into customers

Align marketing and sales teams to create seamless conversion paths and processes for new leads as they move through lifecycle stages.

The full handoff process can be found in the Academy App.

Sales to Services Handoff | Handing Off New Customers to Your Client’s Success Team


Understand your client’s service process

It is important to understand the experience someone has once they’ve become a new customer and are transitioning from working with the sales team to working with the customer success or account management team.


Create a handoff blueprint

If you are also helping your customer with the Marketing to Sales Handoff it is likely you have already built out your blueprint. If not, define your client’s post-sale lifecycle stages and who is responsible for what.


Implement your client’s Service Tools

If you haven’t already done so, make sure you connect your client’s Service tools to HubSpot if they are not using HubSpot Service Hub.


Track your Client’s Evangelist

If your client develops a loyal base of customers who voluntarily spread positive messages about their experiences, it could result in ROI through increased social media views and referrals.

All of this can be found in the Academy app. Start here for best practices.

Quick Wins | Executing a Quick Win Approach

It is important to establish trust and credibility early on as you look to build momentum, as this will lead to higher client retention and continuous collaboration.

Review what a quick wins strategy is

Quick wins can generate big results while all the other inbound tactics are working in the background to grow their business.


Evaluate client’s SMART goals

Review your client's initial goals and timelines and align which area will be the main focus of your quick wins strategy (ie: marketing, sales, service).


Isolate applicable quick wins

Don’t adopt a cookie cutter strategy. The strategy and tasks you undertake will differ depending on the types of customers you deal with and their individual goals.


Execute 1-3 quick wins

Show the client value as soon as possible. Execute 1-3 tools that complement your client’s strategy and tie back to their initial goals.

Why quick wins? Find out in the Academy App.

Marketing Hub - Campaign Launch | Launching your Client’s First Marketing Campaign

With the Marketing Hub, you have access to a set of tools to help your customers attract the right prospects. It's important to:

Define their buyer personas

A well-defined persona will help you build a better marketing plan in the long run.


Perform a content audit

This is the process of evaluating your client’s content — both in quantity and quality. This will help you identify any gaps in content.

Identify and set up the appropriate campaign

Every client has different tools, goals, and needs. Strategize on what the best content type would be for your client’s first campaign.

Promote your content

Have a strategy in place to distribute and amplify your client’s content.

This a big undertaking. Start here for best practices.

Sales Hub - Implementation & Enablement | Launching your Clients Sales Tools

Sales Hub consists of a set of tools that enables your customer to engage their leads more effectively. If your client is a CRM and/or Sales Hub user, your process can be broken into the below sections:

CRM implementation

You will want to make sure that email activities can be logged in the CRM and that HubSpot is set to track the engagements on their sent emails.


Process development

Spend time with your client defining their deal stages and how it fits into their sales process. Ensure that your customers are familiar with contact lists, contact profiles, and deals.


Sales tool enablement

Educate the client’s sales team on the enablement tools so they can optimize and streamline their sales process. The four core tools consist of tasks, templates, sequences, and meetings.

For help, take a look at the Academy app.

Service Hub - Implementation & Enablement | Launching your Client’s Service Strategy

HubSpot Service Hub consists of a set of tools that enables your client to delight their customers and turn them into promoters. If your client is a Service Hub user, your process can be broken into the below sections:

Service Hub implementation

Connect your client’s inbox to the CRM. This is similar to connecting your customer’s inbox for Sales Hub so that they can see, send, and track email communication to their contacts.

Service Hub enablement

Work with your client to assure service pipeline stages are clearly defined. Additionally, ensure that your customers are familiar with the four core tools: Conversations, Ticketing, Customer Feedback, and Knowledge Base.


Cross-Functional Integration

If your client is using the ticket pipeline, make sure you spend time reviewing their deal stages and how all the tools work cross functionally.

For help, take a look at the Academy app.

Reporting | Reporting for Client Success

To help you prove ROI, you will need to set up some reporting fundamentals. Some things to consider are:

Review reports with clients

Identify which reports are the most important for your client and illustrate results relative to their initial SMART goals.

Establish a reporting cadence

As a Solutions Partner, you should be reporting activities, results, and ROI at the appropriate times.

Build a dashboard

Display performance around the metrics most important to your client.

You can dive into client reporting here.

Portal Audit | Running an Effective Portal Audit

Not surprisingly, there’s a strong correlation between customers choosing to renew their subscription and continuing to work with you as their Solutions Partner — and the portal audit stage helps you achieve both of those goals.
HubSpot has invested in data science that predicts how likely a customer is to renew as told by their health score, which is entirely determined by usage of the product.
As a partner, we want to share this information with you to help you understand how this client compares to other similar HubSpot customers so set up a call with your HubSpot Partner team to review the account. Below is how to prepare for your call:

Come prepared with the client’s SMART goals

SMART goals will help your HubSpot partner manager make recommendations that take into account the state of the client relationship.

Interpret your client’s reports

Review the client’s sources report to see how the website is performing to traffic, conversions, and new customers.

Assess the client's feelings about their engagement with you

Based on your client’s audit, your partner team can help you customize your action plan and develop a set of recommendations to drive meaningful impact on the customer’s success.

Please review all this information in this lesson here.

Managing Client Renewals

The client has an agreement with you and one with HubSpot. Let's review some of the key elements of the HubSpot renewal:

Evaluate upcoming renewals

With the help of Partner Dashboard, review which clients are approaching their HubSpot renewal.

Determine the communication owner

Ensure the right communication owner, either your company or HubSpot, is marked for each client renewal.

Navigate the renewal timeline

Once a communication owner is selected, help your client successfully renew with both HubSpot and your company. Loop in your Channel Consultant who can advise on next steps.

It is highly recommended that you review your renewal dashboard frequently.

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  • Deep knowledge of software best practices.
  • Troubleshooting and technical problem solving.

Easily reach our Support team from inside the HubSpot app by clicking the help link in the bottom right corner of the screen