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Your Privacy Preferences

HubSpot values your privacy. You may have certain rights regarding the collection and use of your data under data protections laws. Under the California Consumer Privacy Act, California residents have the right to direct us not to “sell” or “share” their personal information with third parties. Similarly, under the GDPR (and other European data protection laws), individuals in the EEA, the UK, and Switzerland have the right to object to our processing of their personal data.

To opt out of having your information disclosed for marketing and advertising purposes, or to be removed from our commercial dataset, please enter your email and submit your privacy preferences below. For more information about our privacy practices, please see our Privacy Policy.

Marketing and Advertising

HubSpot may collect your personal data from various sources, such as directly from you, publicly available sources, or other third parties. We may disclose your data to our advertising partners so they can show you ads that are more relevant to your interests. Some of these disclosures may be considered a “sale” or “sharing” of data under relevant law.

Advertising cookies

HubSpot websites set cookies on your browser to improve and analyze your experience on our websites and for our marketing purposes. We use advertising cookies in order to make our ads more engaging and relevant to site visitors; to improve reporting on ad campaign performance; and to avoid showing ads the user has already seen.

To opt out of advertising cookies, and any “sales,” “sharing,” or “targeted advertising” associated with data we collect via cookies, click the link below You will need to renew your opt-out choice at each HubSpot website you visit, if you visit the website with another device or browser, or if you clear your cookies. You can also opt out by visiting our websites with a legally-recognized opt-out preference signal such as the Global Privacy Control (“GPC”).

Commercial Dataset

HubSpot maintains a commercial dataset of professionals, which supports our enrichment products. Our commercial dataset helps our customers conduct their own business-to-business  sales, marketing, and other business activities. Deleting your data from our commercial dataset serves as an opt out of the “sale” of data under relevant law.

You may still receive communications from our customers, who determine their own legal basis for processing your data. For more information please contact the customer directly and refer to their policies.