HubSpot Solutions Partner News

Attention New and Current HUG Leaders: The 2018 Leader Application Deadline Is Approaching!

Written by HubSpot Partner Team | Nov 6, 2017 2:48:10 PM

Hurry! The 2018 HUG Leader application will close November 30, 2017. If you're interested in becoming a HUG Leader, or you are currently a HUG Leader, please complete the 2018 application here. One important requirement that is new for 2018 is the HubSpot Certified Trainer Program, which is also accepting applications until November 30, 2017. Details here

What is the benefit of being a HUG Leader?

HUGs, or HubSpot User Groups, are in-person meet-ups that take place across the globe. They are a valuable educational resource for HubSpot customers to learn about inbound marketing and sales and HubSpot software best practices. As a leader, you would have the opportunity to organize and grow these events locally, gain valuable inbound knowledge, lead/partake in discussions, and network with other HubSpot customers, all while building a strong HubSpot community in your city!

Who is eligible to apply?

HubSpot Agency Partners who wish to lead a HUG must meet the following criteria by September 4, 2018:

I applied! Now what?

We will review all applications in December, and you'll find out whether you were accepted into the program for the 2018 calendar year by December 31, 2017. If you're accepted, you'll receive resources to help you get started! If you're not accepted this year, applications will re-open again late in 2018 for the 2019 calendar year.

Remember, the 2018 HUG application will close November 30, 2017. So don't wait!

Thank you for your interest in leading a HubSpot User Group (HUG) in your area. If you have any questions, please contact and we're happy to help.