8 Ways to Use an Impact Awards Win (or Loss) to Grow Your Business

Winning a HubSpot Impact Awards means more than just a shiny trophy and a badge on your website. And losing means more than just “better luck next time”. Trophy or not, Impact Award submissions are a source of business growth that can be tapped for prospecting, attracting new talent, reassuring existing clients, and building a name in the partner community.

Impact Awards recognize HubSpot solutions partners that help their clients grow better. In addition to yearly performance awards, partners submit case studies to enter the quarterly category awards that showcase impactful client work using the HubSpot product. It’s no coincidence that our category award submissions are in the form of a case study. That way, win or lose, your submission is a customer story that validates your success as a company. 

Even if you don’t have a trophy and badge to promote a win, there’s a lot you can do with a case study. Every Impact Awards category submission is reviewed by HubSpotters who give advice on ways to strengthen your case study. Start there. Then, think of ways you can build it into your business strategy.

Oxygen, a platinum partner, turns their winning case study blogs into PDFs for when leads ask about their track record and previous work. Alison Leishman, Strategic Director at platinum partner Spitfire Inbound, shared that she thinks of her team’s Impact Awards case study submissions as “a strong part of our sales process. They often bring potential clients to us, and serve as the final selling point.” 


Read on to learn about more tactics you can start today to grow your business with your Impact Awards category case study submission.


  1. Add to your email signature: Feature content wherever possible and relevant. And while it’s great to think big, don’t forget to think small too. Adding your case study to your email signature puts your case study on a prospect or clients plate in a less forced way, and when they’re in the right business mindset.
  2. Update your sales resources: Update your sales team’s resources to reference your case study or Impact Awards win to showcase your recent submission. When added in the right context, this can be a great way to bring your prior successes into the conversation.
  3. Promote your work on social media: Sharing your company success with social proof is a no-brainer to attract new business. But, it’s also a great retention play. Chances are many of your employees and clients follow your social channels. Take the opportunity to reassure them that they’re working for (or with) a best-in-class business.
  4. Include on your testimonial page: How often do you check the reviews of a product before purchasing? It turns out 85% of people trust online reviews as much as recommendations from friends and family. Think of your testimonials page as an extension of your reviews, where you can showcase stellar work. Plus, adding a case study to your website boosts SEO.

    If you’re lucky enough to win an Impact Award, you’ll get a PR kit to promote your win. Here’s how you can get the most out of it.

  5. Publish a press release: Your PR kit includes a press release template. It’s complete with backlinks and quotes from HubSpot executives, you’ll just need to fill in the blanks with your company information. Share this with clients, prospects, and your professional community.
  6. Add a winners badge to your website: Add your badge to your awards page or in the footer of your website. Prospects are constantly looking for ways to validate the success of a potential partnership. 
  7. Display your winners trophy in your office: Display your trophy proudly, where it’s visible to your clients and team. After all, they helped you earn it. Whether in the reception area or a conference room, it’ll make a great conversation starter.
  8. Add to your recruitment pages: Your win will get automatically added to your directory profile, but adding it to your recruitment pages is a great way to attract new talent. Potential new hires are looking to work at a company that does impactful work, and seeing an award or winners badge will reaffirm that for them.


What’s even more engaging than a written case study? Bringing a big win to life with video. Starting this year, you now have the option to submit your customer success story as a video. Pick whichever format fits best with your company strategy, so you can easily repurpose it in your marketing efforts. There’s a 5 minute limit on video submissions and a 1,000 word limit on blog post submissions to keep you focused, and we’ve updated the awards rubric to allow your imagination to flow. Learn more.

If you had a project or client in mind while reading this, that’s a sign you should reach out to start the conversation. We’re now accepting Q2 Impact Award submissions, and we want to hear your story.

Read How 5x Impact Award Winner, OXYGEN, Uses Awards to Generate More Business.