The Advanced Implementation Certification Is Now Available to All Partners

We’re looking for more partners to join the exclusive group of specialists that can help our shared customers with large scale integrations, implementations, and migrations.

What does it mean to be a HubSpot certified advanced implementation partner? 

  • You’re fluent in deploying HubSpot Professional and/or Enterprise level products across large organizations
  • You have experience ripping out and replacing CRM systems
  • You can advise on business process mapping and change management across large organizations...
  • …and so much more.


But all good things come with hard work. We need to verify that partners are ready and able to set customers up for long-term success. Here are some details on the application process:

  1. Start by filling out the form on this page
  2. Five members of your team must complete HubSpot Sales Software certification
  3. Three members of your team must complete HubSpot’s Enterprise Implementation certification
  4. Three members of your team must complete this Advanced Implementation certification, including two folks from your management team
  5. Once all your certifications are complete, you’ll advance to the final stage, practicum (or presentation part)


What do partners say about the program?

Doug Davidoff, founder and CEO of Imagine Business Development, is one of our first advanced implementation partners. Here you have his keys for success:

There are three critical elements to maximizing the likelihood of success and ensuring a strong customer experience when working with the upmarket team:

  1. The sale is about more than the product or the services - be sure you’re mutually clear on the business issue that’s driving the process and the outcomes that are expected. There will be far more “players” involved in both making the decision and in implementation than in more traditional deals.
  2. Transparency is crucial. Be sure you’re clear on what the HubSpot team is doing/has done and share everything you’re doing. You must come across as one, fluid & aligned team.
  3. Lay down the ground rules for success early. These are complex implementations and if you don’t start strong - really strong - it’s unlikely you’ll recover.

Check out the details and/or kick off the application process here.