HubSpot Solutions Partner News

Agency Business Survey

Written by HubSpot Partner Team | Dec 4, 2017 7:17:36 PM

What is stopping your agency from growing? What are your biggest pain points?

You may wonder if you are the only agency to struggle with cash flow or to debate if you should offer better employee benefits. But chances are another agency has dealt with the same problem and found a solution. The lack of actionable data for agency owners hinders decisions and prevents owners from making bold decisions to improve their businesses.

In order to offer more visibility into common pain points, we created the Agency Business Survey. We want to learn more about what decisions an agency owners grapples with while trying to grow their business. With this data, we will create a guide in 2018 that offers suggestions and advice on how agencies can approach their biggest problems.

We need your help. In order to capture what’s really keeping you up at night, we need you to fill out the survey below. The more survey responses we get, the better data we will have to use for our guide.

The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete and it’s totally anonymous. Plus, we will give you access to the data before the general public.

----> Take the survey now <-----