Introducing the Agency Unfiltered Facebook Live Experiment

Check out the first episode on February 15 at 12pm ET.

We heard you -- you have been explicitly clear in the type of education you want: Business skills. 

To date, the content we provide primarily helps with the inbound methodology and the HubSpot platform -- which is equally important and critical to the growth of your agency. However, there’s still a gap -- you want help growing your business. This includes topics like process development, sourcing, hiring, and retaining talent, financial planning and agency economics, and other topics under an "agency operations" umbrella.

But the good news is, there’s a huge pool of qualified, knowledgeable leaders who can speak and educate others on these topics -- that’s you, our partner community!

That’s why we’re piloting a Facebook Live mini-series under the umbrella name of Agency Unfiltered. This will be a monthly live series that will bring in subject-matter experts from our partner network to co-produce content, answer questions live and share their knowledge with the broader community. The goal of the series is to cover more agency growth topics vs. inbound marketing.

In the spirit of total transparency, this is just an experiment. We’ll pilot three episodes to start then reevaluate our strategy at the completion of the third installment (so stay tuned as more details unfold).

Here’s what’s on the docket:

  • February 15 at 12pm (ET): Eric Pratt, Managing Partner of Revenue River, on How to Attract, Develop and Retain the Best Talent (Eric was, after all, the one that got us thinking about this experiment)
  • March 15 at 12pm (ET): Mike Lieberman, Founder and CEO of Square 2 Marketing, on How to Define (and Stick To) a Documented Sales Process
  • April 12 at 12pm (ET): Matthew Cook, CEO of SalesHub, on How to Expand Into Sales Services

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Topics: agency unfiltered