Upcoming Changes to Office Locations in the Solutions Directory

Coming soon as part of Milestone #4 in Phase 1 of Reimagining the Solutions Directory, you’ll be able to list your business location in the directory with either physical offices or as fully remote. Both physical office locations and areas that fully remote businesses service will be listed in location search results and on city pages.


Why are we making this change, and why now? 

Locations are a complex topic in our industry. As we built this solution, we kept the directory visitor’s intent in mind. While some visitors value working with a partner that has a physical office space, others are simply looking for a partner that understands their region’s nuances and is available to meet in person - physical meeting space or not. 

Given this, and the world’s current shift to remote work, we're including fully remote partners in location search results where they’ve identified that they have employees available to meet with clients. We’ve also updated how location appears on partner profiles to ensure visitors are aware of the type of business presence the partner has in the region.

We’ll continue to evaluate how visitors are using the location feature, and partners should expect us to change or iterate on this functionality in the future. 


Here are some more details: 

  • In the office location section of your directory profile, you can now select to list your business location as either “Physical office locations” OR “Work remotely.” 

  • If you select “Physical office location,” you’ll be prompted to enter up to five full street addresses for your offices. Only the city, state (if in the United States), and country will actually appear on your profile. 

  • If you select “Work remotely,” you’ll be prompted to enter up to five locations where you’re readily available to meet with clients in person. These locations will be listed on your profile when you hover over the “Remote” label. 

  • Both physical and remote locations will be used to determine which location search results your business shows up for


If you’re fully remote, select up to five locations where you can meet with clients in person.


Visitors can view the locations where fully remote partners are available to meet when they hover over the “Remote” label.

Check out this Knowledge Base article for more details about setting locations in your Solutions Directory profile.