HubSpot Solutions Partner News

It Just Got Easier to Turn Customers into Promoters with Service Hub

Written by HubSpot Partner Team | Jul 15, 2020 4:12:59 PM

A lot has changed since Service Hub first launched in 2018. Ever since then, HubSpot’s been busy releasing new tools and features to improve how Service Hub helps you show your clients and prospects the value of investing in customers. Get a full rundown of the newest improvements and refreshed partner resources available now, including demos to guide you through cross-selling and up-selling the product.

At its core, Service Hub is designed to turn customers into promoters. Companies typically invest in marketing and sales but don’t have a system in place to manage what happens after a sale. Ask your clients and prospect this simple question: What happens when someone becomes your customer?

Most companies struggle to answer this question because they don't have the tools in place to understand what actually happens. This creates a disjointed customer experience and makes front line support teams less efficient.

Service Hub is a complete suite of service software for customer service teams (and yes, marketing and sales teams too), with tools that help make meaningful connections with customers and turn them into promoters that grow your business.


Why Service Hub Now?

As consumers navigate significant lifestyle changes (including day-to-day moving online), the demand on customer service has risen rapidly. Active conversation interactions (think: customer service chat) have increased up to 53% since March 2020. Your customers have a lot of questions. So, how can we make sure they’re getting the right answers? That’s where Service Hub features like chatbots and knowledge base tools come in.

New Service Hub functionality like in-app chat, enhanced dashboards, and team management makes teams more productive and gives customers a streamlined experience.

Plus, the newest improvements to knowledge base tools take self-service to the next level and help boost SEO all at once. Multilingual functionality and customizable templates help ensure a relevant, on-brand experience. And, the more helpful resources your clients create for their customers, the better their SEO will be.


In this blog, we’ll cover:


Key resources to help you close Service Hub deals:

The fully refreshed How to Sell Service Hub resource page covers everything you need to know about positioning, qualifying and selling Service Hub. It includes new resources like:


  • How to Sell Service Hub: This 30-minute training deep dives on ways you can incorporate the newest product updates into your Service Hub sales conversations and cross-sell Service Hub to marketing and sales teams for a better win rate.
  • Cross-Sell into Marketing Hub: This 5-minute demo covers how a marketer can use Service Hub to turn customers into a growth engine, grow referrals, extract data to better target cross-sell opportunities, and optimize self service content for SEO.
  • Cross-Sell into Sales Hub: This 6-minute demo covers how to find best fit cross-sell opportunities and how a sales team can use Service Hub to get feedback on their sales process and provide answers to customers' questions at scale.
  • Up-Sell Service Hub Starter to Professional: This 7-minute training covers how to successfully upgrade a Service Hub Starter customer by focusing how a services team can use Professional to gain efficiency, increase automation, and set up a process for self-service.
  • Product Overview Deck: Use this deck to pitch the value of Service Hub to prospects and clients (or better yet, snag slides to build your own presentation).


The all-new Service Hub Software Certification

Show your clients and prospects that you’re successful at executing an inbound service strategy using HubSpot's Service Hub by getting the official Service Hub Software Certification. 

This certification consists of six lessons that cover customer journey mapping and best practices for Service Hub tools like help desk, knowledge base, and customer feedback. Take the certification.

A Detailed Rundown of What’s New in Service Hub

Now, let’s take a closer look.


Upgrades that make service agents more productive:

In-app chat - in private beta (will be available in Professional and Enterprise)

Reduce friction with in-app chat that allows customers to easily chat in while logged into your web app. This means they can reference their previous conversations and agents can confidently share sensitive information. This doubles down on our commitment to omni-channel service with in-app chat joining Facebook messenger, live chat, email, and forms as channels inside the conversations inbox. 

Custom ticket sidebar / contextual sidebar - in public beta (available in all tiers)

Service teams can now know exactly what they need to focus on with the contextual sidebar (also known as ticket sidebar), that presents “ticket first” information front and center. There’s support for CRM extensions and cards, and it organically handles non-support context for normal conversations.

Enhanced dashboards (available in all tiers)

Understand how to optimize process and delight customers with enhanced dashboards, pre-built dashboards that include information that help support and service teams answer common service questions like:

  • How are customers reaching out to get help?

  • How well is my team executing?

  • How are these data points evolving over time?

Jira integration (available in all tiers)

Customers can create Jira issues from a ticket record, attach an existing Jira issue to a ticket, or automate and report on tickets using the workflows tool with the new built-in Jira integration. Plus, support teams can access all the information they need in one place, ensuring no tickets fall through the cracks. Learn more.

Team management (available in all tiers)

Quickly view and manage agent permissions and status across your organization in one place. Admins can adjust rep status and see the current status of every team member to make sure their reps are online, giving more control over you and your clients’ teams. Learn more.


Improvements to our knowledge base tools that take self-service to the next level:

Multilingual knowledge base - in public beta (available in Professional and Enterprise):

Create a dedicated home for specific languages in your knowledge base. This makes it easier to create a better self service experience for your global, multilingual customer base. Learn more. To enroll a client in the beta, submit this form.

Restricted article access (available in Professional and Enterprise):

Restrict knowledge base articles for specific audiences based on list membership. With password-protection, you can enable your clients to provide exclusive access to their customers. Learn more.

Customizable knowledge base templates (available in Professional and Enterprise):

Customize knowledge base templates, so your client’s knowledge base can match the tone, voice, and style of their brand.

Persistent knowledge base search in live chat (available in Professional and Enterprise):

Place a knowledge base search module in the live chat widget. This saves customers and support reps time by helping customers find answers to questions on their own. Learn more.

Ready to take your clients’ customer experiences to the next level? Learn how to sell Service Hub in this 30-minute training.