Announcing the Brand New Global Partner of the Year Award

The Impact Awards are accolades awarded to Agency Partners for exceptionally remarkable client work. There are two types of awards: category-specific and performance-based. Today we’re announcing a new and exciting addition to our performance-based awards: Global Partner of the Year.

This grand prize will recognise the partner that embodies the Grow Better mission we all share, as it’ll weigh 3 key criteria: Sold MRR (60%), Growth Stack MRR (35%) and Product NPS (5%). You can read the details on the competition here.

There will be one worldwide leaderboard, and the winning agency will have the opportunity to travel with us to one of our partner events outside their region and share their success story as an ambassador for the partner community.  

If we were to use this same criteria and apply it to last year’s performance, the winner would have been IMPACT. To celebrate their success and generate a bit of buzz for the new award, we flew Bob Ruffolo, founder and CEO of IMPACT, to Sydney for our inaugural APAC Partner Day in June, where he shared his experiences during two breakout sessions (which were a huge hit!). Check out some of Bob’s travels:


The standings for Global Partner of the Year will be posted once per month in our leaderboard page alongside the rankings for the other performance-based categories: Partner of the Quarter, Rookie of the Quarter and Partner of the Year. You can check them out here.