HubSpot Conversations is Now Available: The Universal Inbox Built for all Sources and all Teams

HubSpot’s on a mission to help businesses grow better. Part of that means helping them engage and delight their customers -- building trust and establishing lasting relationships. Today, we’re making headway on that mission with the launch of HubSpot Conversations.  This launch will enable personalized one-to-one communications at scale for SMBs.

HubSpot Conversations is a universal inbox built for all sources and all teams -- bringing together live chat, team email, and an easy-to-use chatbot builder to help teams communicate with customers and prospects at scale.

What’s included in Conversations?

  • Live chat. Create a custom welcome message for your live chat widget. Decide where and when you want to display it. Route the incoming messages to your team. Capture your visitor’s emails and get more meetings booked.
  • Team Email. Connect a team email address to the conversations inbox for a transparent view of all those interactions.
  • Chatbot builder. Chatbots help teams have conversations at scale. Use bots to replace your most repetitive exchanges and keep your team focused on the conversations that matter most.
  • Universal Inbox. With conversations, all of your teams -- from marketing to sales to customer success -- can work out of one inbox. If you can’t answer a question, you can easily reassign that conversation without skipping a beat. All of those conversations are automatically saved and stored for total transparency as contacts change hands and work their way through the flywheel.

Do you know the best part? HubSpot Conversations is a free feature of HubSpot CRM. This means all your customers have now access to these new features in their portals!

Want to find ideas on how to go-to-market with it?

Check out the partner-specific How to Sell page with resources that will help you generate business with Conversations right away.