Partners, a New Perfect Pair: HubSpot CRM Now with Ads and Email

Marketing tools and CRM are the perfect pair. Today, we’re excited to publicly share with you the launch of HubSpot’s marketing email and ads tools in the free CRM. Our product team has worked hard on this launch in response to partner and user feedback that HubSpot needed a more robust free offering to give people a taste for what’s possible with HubSpot.

Why does it matter to marketers?

Understanding how each of your marketing actions work together is critical to your business’ success. To grow better, you need to understand the big picture of how your marketing tactics affect your prospects, remove those which cause friction and create a more cohesive customer experience.

You do this by rooting your marketing tools in a CRM. By adding ads and email marketing to the free CRM, all marketers can get full insight into their customer’s journey with their brand and see how each action works to turn leads into loyal customers. 

Ads & a CRM are two of the most powerful tools in the marketers' toolkit. Ads help you give customers helpful, relevant content at every stage of their buyers' journey. Your CRM gives you the data you need to create highly targeted audiences, and properly measure the success of your ad campaigns. Email that is rooted in a CRM allows you to send more relevant content and offers while measuring the impact each has. 

Why does it matter to partners?

This provides you with a tool to generate more leads with less friction, give them a taste for what they can do with HubSpot, and open the conversation around the services you can offer to help them grow better as they scale. What better way to introduce a potential client to new software than showing them it for free?

How you can take advantage of this launch

  1. Head over to your Partner Resource Center for helpful content on how to execute a freemium selling motion. Resources include; product upgrade value drivers, academy courses, pitch decks and more.
  2. Attract prospects to your agency. Write a blog, share on social or run an email campaign. As HubSpot partners, you’re getting access to all of the same creative assets that our marketing team is promoting. Join the promotion here.
  3. Win two huge HubSpot beanbags for your office. Check out the contest details here.

Let’s create a better customer experience together.