HubSpot Solutions Partner News

HubSpot vs Marketo: How Top Partners Successfully Position Marketing Hub Enterprise

Written by Margaret Kelly | Jan 20, 2020 3:30:00 PM

The new Marketing Hub Enterprise gives advanced teams the control and flexibility to grow. Hear from some of our top partners about how they position HubSpot against the competition. Plus, find out how you could win a trip to Nashville, Tennessee.

First, a quick note: Though our partners often use both products with their clients, we understand they might have some bias in their comparisons. If you want a third party perspective, head here.


We recently launched the new Marketing Hub Enterprise, with new features like revenue attribution, partitioning and account-based marketing. Get the full run down here. As a leader in marketing automation, Marketing Hub Enterprise is often compared closely to Marketo. Many of our partners have put together their own blog posts on this topic, showing how they successfully position the product. Here are some of the highlights.


“If reporting tools are hard to use, are they really worth it?”

Raka, a platinum partner, focuses on product usability with this pointed question. You shouldn't have to sacrifice usability to get power. You shouldn’t have to pick the overpriced, overly complicated option that leaves you spending more time on systems than solving for your customers. Marketing Hub Enterprise combines both power and usability with a user-friendly interface that you’ve come to expect from your software. HubSpot consistently earns the highest mark for ease of use among the major marketing automation platforms. In 2019, G2 users gave HubSpot usability an 8.5, which is 1.4 points higher than Marketo’s 7.1 rating.


“The best software is supposed to just work.”

Versatility and range of tools are a main focus in diamond partner Digital 22’s comparison. Though Marketo provides in-depth individual marketing automation modules like email marketing, you’d need to spend more to get an entirely integrated platform with all the necessary features. HubSpot’s all-in-one inbound marketing platform speaks for itself. This degree of versatility means you can create end-to-end marketing campaigns all in one place, with one integrated product for clients ranging from small businesses to larger enterprise customers. Because really, the best software should just work.


“HubSpot is designed for performance. This means it already has scalability built into its design.”

We’re all here to grow better. So shouldn’t your infrastructure have the scalability to grow with your business? Diamond partner Six & Flow explains how HubSpot has scale built into its design: it grows to accommodate your data, which means time and money saved on system administration. Because while Marketo is known for enterprise-grade functionality, it’s at the expense of cumbersome features and functionality.


“Our new employees can start providing value within days of starting [with HubSpot].” 

As a growing diamond partner, New Breed understands the learning curve new employees experience when onboarding to new software. But jumping into Marketing Hub Enterprise, they’re able to show value instantly, despite never using the tools before. This is largely due to the depth of HubSpot Academy support and training, as diamond partner IMPACT covers in their comparison. HubSpot has individual lessons and courses not only about the software, but also about inbound marketing strategy to help marketers create impactful campaigns. Plus, employees adding instant value translates to partners adding instant value with their clients. Win, win.

The new Marketing Hub Enterprise gives advanced teams the control and flexibility to grow. That means seamless customer experiences for all, from small businesses to $22B global companies. How do you position HubSpot and Marketo with your customers? Share your comparison with us in a blog post for a chance to win a trip to Nashville, Tennessee. There, you'll get consulting on Marketing Hub Enterprise from the expert himself: Nicholas Holland, Marketing Hub General Manager.