Loose Lips Sink Ships: Keeping HubSpot’s Secrets Safe

A friendly reminder from HubSpot's Legal team. 

INBOUND season is finally here and we can’t wait to see so many of you next week, and for those of you who can’t make it, you’ll be missed.

The Legal team here at HubSpot wanted to kick off your INBOUND experience with a quick reminder about keeping our secrets safe.  

At HubSpot, we pride ourselves on our transparency. We worked hard to build a foundation of openness with our employees and by extension, with our partners. As you know, one of the perks of being a partner is you get to find out what’s going on at HubSpot before the rest of the world, like when we gave you a glimpse into our product roadmap on Partner Day. We're excited to give our partner community the inside scoop, but please keep in mind that the information we're sharing is confidential and must be kept quiet until it is officially announced to the public, as per the confidentiality provisions of your partner agreement. This can also include information shared during a conversation with a HubSpot employee.

Unfortunately, there have been instances in the past where partners have disclosed our confidential information (like our product roadmap and mid-quarter performance) with third parties, including investors and investment analysts. We know that you may be asked to join calls with investors and investment analysts who are looking to check in on HubSpot's mid-quarter performance, but if you think that you may be asked to disclose our confidential information during the call then you should decline. If you do discuss HubSpot with third parties (including investors and investment analysts), we ask you to treat our confidential information as if it's your own company information. 

And now back to INBOUND! For those of you who will be joining us at INBOUND, we hope that you have an incredible time. Please remember to keep quiet if we tell you a secret.

Topics: Legal