Partner Day @ INBOUND 2017 Roundup

Find all of the session presentation decks and a recap of the day. 

First, thank you to everyone who joined us at the Seaport World Trade Center for the first-ever Partner Day @ INBOUND! It was truly an incredible day filled with lots of learning, networking, and fun ….there was even was a lion running around the building!

Since this was our first crack at a large scale event, we know there’s still room for improvement. Believe it or not, we’re already in the process of planning for next year, so we’d REALLY like to ask for your feedback and ideas now. In the meantime, we wanted to share some early feedback on the day and use this as a jumping off point to encourage more of you to tell us about your experience.

It was an awesome day!

Overall, it seems like everyone appreciated the investment in a day long event dedicated to partners. Phew, because we already committed to running the event again next year!

Carve out time to address business issues, not just how to use the new products

In the spirit of total transparency, one of the key goals for the day was to ensure attendees received a sneak peek of all the key INBOUND announcements and developed an understanding of how to leverage, sell and service those new tools to your clients. But, we hear you, while it’s important to keep the partner community in the loop about new product launches, it’s also important to spend time addressing your shared challenges on issues like hiring, sales coaching, how to position and grow your agency, etc., particularly when we have 2,000+ partners in the same room to help each other.

Missing role and/or experience-based tracks

Many of you brought your whole team to Partner Day, and we’re so glad you did! While we intentionally tried to build an inclusive agenda, we may have overlooked how diverse our audience was. We’ll pay closer attention to this for next year, ensuring there’s something for everyone. And, it also sounds like it’d be beneficial to specifically call out the intended experience level for each session in the agenda booklet so you can plan your day. Noted.

90-minute sessions are too long

That is a long time to maintain focus. We held 90-minute sessions during the spring Partner Days and it worked well, but it didn’t quite translate with the larger audience. We’ll be rethinking the session format and identify the ideal length for next year. One idea could be to incorporate more in-depth discussions and hands-on workshops to break up the sessions. The goal is that everyone walks away with tangible tips to bring back to their agency.

More dedicated time for networking

It was too much to cram awards, programming and networking into a single lunch period. This is the one time a year the entire partner community is together so we’ll figure out a way to better capitalize on that next year.

More coffee

Everyone needs their afternoon caffeine fix. We promise to actually serve coffee during the coffee breaks next year : )

This is just a little taste of the key themes that are emerging from the survey feedback, but we need more of you to contribute to get a better pulse on the day. If you have not filled out this survey yet, please do so!

We also want to pull together a focus group to really dig into what worked and what didn’t so we know what to address for next year. Sign up for the focus group. 

Stay tuned for a more comprehensive Partner Day @ INBOUND reflection. And in the meantime, here are the links to all the breakout session decks:

Topics: Events