HubSpot Solutions Partner News

Partner Directory: Reviews are Now LIVE

Written by HubSpot Partner Team | Mar 28, 2018 9:21:37 PM

The ability to leave a review is now live on the partner directory.

When we relaunched the directory last month, we temporarily suspended the ability to leave a new review. We did this while we rebuilt a new review system. The new system is now live, and uses LinkedIn to authenticate the reviewer.

Current Timeline for Reviews

March 28:

  • New review system online
  • Past review scores now integrate with any new reviews
  • This system uses LinkedIn authentication

April/May: Addition of new features to reviews including:

  • SEO improvements
  • Additional questions in the review form about the services delivered
  • Search improvements
  • Policy changes to handling reviews and stricter moderation process for reviews from the same company and other reviews that are not in compliance with our review guidelines

Throughout 2018

  • The ability to reply to reviews, especially if it's a negative review
  • A mechanism to report abuse of reviews, such as reporting a review that you believe is fake review, spam, or otherwise illegitimate
  • Make reviews more meaningful to the visitor's original search

Reviews are the backbone of integrity of any marketplace or directory. And it’s very important to us to build a review system that aids a visitor in finding the agency that is right for their needs. Reviews should also be a tool for agencies to showcase happy and successful clients. We're researching review systems at other directories to inform the system we build to make the partner directory a powerful source of business for our partners.