HubSpot Solutions Partner News

Q4 2017 Partner Sales Contest

Written by HubSpot Partner Team | Oct 17, 2017 9:01:50 PM

Win a free trip to INBOUND 2018!

All global partners are encouraged to compete in the Q4 2017 Partner Sales Contest to win a free trip to INBOUND next year. The rules are simple, sell the most HubSpot software between October 1, 2017 and December 31, 2017 to win. Here are all the details (full contest Terms and Conditions here): 

Contest Overview:

  • Rankings: HubSpot will share a leaderboard for each tier weekly here. You will compete in your assigned tier as of the October 1, 2017 even if you move up tiers during the contest window. Partners will be ranked globally amongst all partners in their tier, regardless of region. 
  • Qualifications: New and Cross-Sell MRR for the Marketing and Sales products. No entry required. Minimum of $1,000 MRR sold October 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017 required. 
  • Timing: Deals must be closed by December 31, 2017 
  • Winners: To be announced by the end of January 2018

Your Prize:

We will award three distinct prizes to each contest winner:

  • One All-Access pass to INBOUND 2018
  • Four nights of hotel accommodation for the duration of INBOUND 2018
  • Transportation to INBOUND 2018 from the winner’s home location
  • Prizes will be awarded by tier, regardless of region, in the following format

 Partner Tier 

 Number of Prizes 

Diamond 4 prizes
Platinum 4 prizes
Gold 3 prizes
Silver 1 prize
Untiered 1 prize


Check the rankings