[New Research] The State of Customer Service 2019

We recently shared the news of Service Hub turning one-year-old since launching in 2018. As a follow-up, there is another exciting bit of news that you’ll want to check out. HubSpot conducted a survey of over 1,000 customer service leaders and representatives from the US, the UK, Canada, and Australia to produce a report on the state of the customer service industry in 2019.

What was covered?

The survey touched on team structure, what tools and software they’re currently using, how they measure success, and much more. This research also explores customer expectations within a world saturated with solutions.

Why is this report important?

The data shows that excellent customer service is a clear key differentiator for businesses. Think about your favorite companies. Why do you continue doing business with them? The reason is likely that they have done an incredible job at removing the friction from the customer journey. They don’t hard sell a customer and move on. Instead, they create an experience that makes the customer want to return and advocate for them.

Let’s think about some good examples:

Spotify, Casper Mattress, Trunk Club, and Dollar Shave Club. Each sells a quality product/service, but wins their business by removing points of friction. Seems simple, but it takes time and thought. So, let’s think deeply about how customer experience fits into each and every shared customer of ours. How can we work together to remove all the points of friction for our shared customers? This report will confirm much of what customers are looking for. Let’s help them grow better, together.