Roadmap for Shared Selling Tool Feature Updates

Last updated November 1, 2022

Learn more about the feature updates we’re making to our shared selling tools over the coming months. This roadmap is built directly off of partner feedback we’ve received since launch, and is prioritized based on the complexity of the update and the value it will add to the product.

On September 22, 2021, HubSpot launched new shared selling tools — deal registration and shared deals — for partners and providers. These tools transform the way partners collaborate on sales with HubSpot by instantly creating a centralized space for both the partner and HubSpot deal owners to collaborate on the deal and share information between CRMs.

These shared selling tools were built based on over two years of research and development, but they’re far from finished. Since launch, we’ve encouraged partners to share their feedback often through the in-app feedback tool. Based on the feedback gathered so far, we’ve developed a roadmap of iterative updates we’ll be making in the coming months.

Be sure to bookmark and check back in on this blog post — it’ll be updated each time a new feature goes live or plans for an upcoming feature are added to the roadmap.





Edit product interest on a shared deal
  • What’s changing: Partners can update product interest at any time during the sales process. 

  • Details: Product interest is used to indicate which HubSpot products a partner intends to sell to the shared client. During the sales process, it’s common that the products a partner intends to sell will change. This change enables partners to accurately update product interest throughout the sales process to better collaborate with HubSpot reps on the deal. 

  • Timing:  Completed November 1, 2021 


Click the edit button to change product interest on a shared deal.

Partner Collab or Best Partner Wins deal creation not limited by domain registration capacity
  • What’s changing: Partners can register deals in a Partner Collab or Best Partner Wins (BPW) scenario, even when they’re at their domain capacity limit. 

  • Details: Initially with deal registration, partners couldn’t register any type of new deal if they were at their domain capacity limit. However, prior to deal registration, working a co-sold deal with HubSpot wasn’t limited by a partner’s capacity. This is because co-sold deals are already registered to HubSpot, and therefore don’t require available capacity. We want deal registration to be in line with how this process has worked historically, which is why we’ve made this change. Please note, HubSpot will be closely monitoring the use of this functionality, and will revert this change if we find that partners are creating an influx of unqualified deals. 

  • Timing:  Completed November 2, 2021 

As a reminder, there are no changes to tier credit, POI or commission eligibility with deal registration, though you get more visibility into the tier credit and commission eligibility of a shared deal. Details about shared selling scenarios and their related compensation structures can be found on this page


Shared message contents included in notifications
  • What’s changing: The contents of a shared message are included within email and in-app notifications. 

  • Details: Prior to this update, partners could only view shared messages directly on the shared deal record. With this change, partners can read shared message contents within email or in-app notifications. Partners can opt-in or opt-out of these notifications from their user settings. 

  • Timing:  Completed November 2, 2021 

Unsent shared messages saved as drafts
  • What’s changing: The contents of a shared message draft will save automatically, even if a partner leaves the draft page. 

  • Details: Prior to this update, if a drafted shared message was not saved, the message contents would be lost when a partner left the draft area. With this change, a shared message can be drafted and then completed later without losing the contents of the message. 

  • Timing:  Completed January 20, 2022 

Attach confirmation links (also known as POI) on shared deals
  • What’s changing: Partners can now attach confirmation links, also known as POI (proof of involvement), to shared deals from within their own account.

  • Details: Before, partners relied on their CAM to add a confirmation link to a shared deal. This meant partners couldn't proactively manage their POI requirements (adding, amending, removing, or previewing) on a shared deal from within their own account. This change streamlines the process for partners, while giving them more control and ownership.

  • Timing:  Completed January 21, 2022 

Correct MRR displayed on quotes
  • What’s changing: Correct MRR value displayed on the quote of a shared deal.

  • Details: Currently, there's a bug in how the MRR value on quotes is displayed to partners. This causes the quote amount on the shared deal to be inaccurate. With this update, the MRR value displayed on a shared deal will be accurate, and match the amount on the payment link shared with clients. While our product team is working on this update, we’ve added a tool tip in-app that notes this inaccuracy.

  • Timing:  Completed March 23, 2022 


Continue accessing deal details after a shared deal has closed
  • What’s changing? The details and outcome of a shared deal will now be accessible indefinitely after the deal has closed.

  • Details: Currently, a deal becomes inactive two weeks after it closes. This means key information about the shared deal is no longer visible, including which reps the partner collaborated with, software quote information, and compensation eligibility. With this change, this information will remain available indefinitely for both won and lost deals.

  • Timing:  Completed May 5, 2022 


Improved transparency to the status of a deal
  • What’s changing? Partners will be able to easily see which deals are active versus inactive, and if inactive, reasoning as to why.

  • Details: Currently, partners have minimal visibility into the status of their registration on a deal if other partners have also registered a deal on the same domain. This improvement labels each deal registration with a status, visually orders them based on their status, and includes a reason for removal or de-activation if applicable (for example, "the customer isn't progressing with the partner.")

  • Timing:  Completed May 5, 2022 


Saved drafts for incomplete deal registrations
  • What’s changing? Incomplete deal registrations will be saved as drafts.

  • Details: A deal draft will save when a partner starts the deal registration form process but doesn't complete it. This feature will save time and duplicative effort.

  • Timing:  Completed July 19, 2022 


Create a shared deal on a registered domain when at domain capacity
  • What’s changing? Partners will be able to create a shared deal on any existing domains when at their domain capacity.

  • Details: Currently, partners are unable to create a shared deal on a domain they already have registered in their capacity if they are at their capacity limit. This is an unintentional bug that we are working to resolve.

  • Timing:  Completed August 4, 2022 


Request to reshare a deal with HubSpot
  • What’s changing: Partners can request for a deal to be reshared with HubSpot.

  • Details: Before, HubSpot could add a partner back onto a deal, while a partner couldn’t add HubSpot back onto a deal. This update allows partners to request that a deal be reshared with HubSpot directly from the shared deal card, which creates a shared message thread with HubSpot to notify them of the request.

  • Timing: Completed August 11, 2022 

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Upsell deals reflected as Closed Won
  • What’s changing? Upsell deals will count as Closed Won deals.

  • Details: Before this update, if a partner closed an upsell shared deal for an existing client, the deal was reflected as a Closed Lost. Now, these shared deals will reflect correctly as Close Won.

  • Timing:  Completed August 12, 2022 

Additional users can collaborate on deals
  • What’s changing: Additional users aside from the partner and HubSpot deal owners can collaborate on shared deals as part of the deal team.

  • Details: Oftentimes, there are additional team members involved in selling a deal, such as a sales manager, sales engineer or service rep. This change allows any partner user within the partner’s portal or HubSpot employee to get involved in a shared deal. Once these additional users are added to the deal team, they can respond within shared message threads and get shared message notifications.

  • Timing: Completed August 24, 2022 

Threads in shared messages
  • What’s changing? Replies to shared messages will display as a threaded message.

  • Details: Replies to a shared message will consolidate into a single reply thread instead of duplicating the thread, which will improve user experience and efficiency.

  • Timing: Completed August 29, 2022 

Threaded shared messages

Set a default pipeline for shared deals
  • What’s changing: Partners can select a default pipeline for shared deals, where deals will automatically be placed, whether created by the partner or HubSpot.

  • Details: With the introduction of shared selling tools, the "HubSpot Shared Selling Pipeline" was added to all partner accounts. This is where all new deals were added as default. However, if a partner deleted this pipeline, HubSpot wasn’t able to create new deals with them. This change makes sure there is always a pipeline for a new deal to be created in. The first available pipeline that appears in the Pipeline tool will be set as the default, and it can be updated in the in-app Settings page, under “Partners”, within the “Shared Deals” section.

  • Timing: Completed September 19, 2022 

Pin shared messages
  • What’s changing: Shared message threads can now be pinned in deals.

  • Details: Partners can pin a message to the top of a shared deal from within their account, and it will also pin for HubSpot reps within their account. Partners can pin one thread per deal, and HubSpot reps can pin one message per associated partner on the deal. If there are multiple partners on a shared deal, they won’t be able to see each others’ pinned messages.

  • Timing: Completed October 24, 2022 

Ability to merge shared deals
  • What’s changing: Partners will be able to merge two shared deals into one, which is a standard feature for regular deals.

  • Details: The merge deal feature allows HubSpot users to merge two alike deals into one. However, today, the merging of shared deals is not currently supported in HubSpot. When two shared deals are merged, the merged property values don’t sync correctly and won’t result in a single merged shared deal — card A will have blank values and card B will have values from the primary deal that was merged. For the time being, in order to maintain accurate data, it’s not recommended to merge shared partner deals.

  • Timing: H1 2023


As a reminder, if you have additional feedback not addressed above, please respond to the in-app feedback form ("reaction faces" at the bottom of any shared deal) to share it directly with the product team. 

If you have general questions, drop a comment below. If you have a question specific to your business, please reach out to your HubSpot channel account manager (CAM) or channel consultant (CC).