HubSpot Solutions Partner News

Roadmap for the Partner Tiers Dashboard

Written by HubSpot Partner Team | May 11, 2022 3:49:03 PM

Last updated November 15, 2022

Learn more about the feature updates we’re making to the partner tiers dashboard over the coming months. This roadmap is based on both planned features and partner feedback we’ve received since launch.

On July 18, 2022, HubSpot launched the new tiers dashboard, alongside the new points-based tier model

This refreshed tiers dashboard is a tool partners can use to understand and visualize how the new points-based model works and their tier performance. 

Since launch, we’ve encouraged partners to share their feedback often through the in-app feedback tool. Based on planned improvements and feedback gathered so far, we’ve developed a roadmap of enhancements.

Be sure to bookmark and check back in on this blog post — it’ll be updated each time a feature goes live or plans for a new feature are added to the roadmap.



Additional information:

Graph of points progress over time
  • What’s changing: Partners will be able to see their points progress over time in a graph format in the Points Breakdown tab of the tiers dashboard.

  • Details: This graph will show points progress over time, broken out by sold, managed, and combined points. In July, this graph will start to display the prior six months of data and a three month projection based on upcoming point expirations.

  • Status:  Completed June 2 

Client details fly-in board
  • What’s changing: With this change, partners can easily see a breakdown of which clients contribute to their current points performance.

  • Details: When you click on a client’s name within the Points Breakdown tab of the dashboard, a fly-in board will appear with more details about the client. For each client, you’ll be able to see the sold history and active managed points. The sold history will show the deal type, a breakdown for each product line, and how many points are active versus expired.

  • Status:  Completed June 24 


Tier Performance UI improvements
  • What’s changing: With this change, partners will see one streamlined progress bar, showing their progress towards the total points required for the next tier.

  • Details: Progress towards total points are displayed in the main progress bar. Progress towards the sold and managed points minimums are displayed in separate panels, using color coding (green vs. red) to show progression towards the minimums in points and equivalent currency.

  • Status:  Completed July 12  (C$R - customer dollar retention - panel coming in Q3)


Points to currency conversion added to Tier Insights
  • What’s changing: The Tier Insights section now shows the dollar currency value converted from sold and managed points.

  • Details: This update makes it easier for partners to understand the exact dollar amount required to meet the sold and managed point minimums.

  • Status:  Completed June 15 


[Bug] Correction to points expiry data
  • What’s changing: Correct data will be displayed in the sold points expiry column.

  • Details: There was a bug in how points expiry data displays in the sold points expiry column of the dashboard. This specifically impacts data for unique scenarios, like when subscription MRR today is lower than the MRR 12 months ago. To avoid any confusion, partners will see blank values for this column while this update is in progress.

  • Status:  Completed May 23 

[Bug] Correction to managed points data
  • What’s changing: Correct data will be displayed for managed MRR.

  • Details: There was a bug in the managed MRR data displayed between the current and new tiers dashboard. This was due to certain client managed relationship agreements expiring, and the system not correctly taking that into account. This meant in certain scenarios, there was a slight discrepancy in managed MRR.

  • Status:  Completed May 25 



Partner tier points calculator
  • What’s changing: The points calculator in the Tiers Dashboard helps partners easily determine how many points they could earn from a specific deal, or convert points to and from currency amounts.

  • Details: This calculator, which can be accessed from the sidebar of the Tiers Dashboard, has two tabs. In the subscription tab, partners can enter a deal amount, and it will calculate how many points will be earned based on location of the client, currency of the deal, and whether the partner will manage the client. In the currency tab, partners can enter point amounts, such as how many they need to reach the next tier, to see how much more they need to sell and manage in their currency. This tool makes it easier to understand how deals impact tier points and to strategize on methods for reaching the next tier. Here's a quick 2-minute video that demos this new tool.

  • Status:  Completed October 26 


As a reminder, if you have additional feedback, please respond to the in-app feedback form to share it directly with the product team. 

If you have a question specific to your business, please reach out to your HubSpot channel account manager (CAM) or channel consultant (CC).



Additional Information


Understanding the flexibility of the new model

After a partner reaches the sold and managed minimum thresholds, they can earn the remaining points to reach the combined threshold through selling, managing, or both. This brings flexibility to tiering in our program and allows partners to play to their strengths. 

For example: Partner A is gold tiered and has met the sold and managed minimum requirements for reaching platinum. 

  • So far, they have 270 sold points and 150 managed points, for a total of 420 combined points. 
  • The combined points threshold for platinum is 645 points, so Partner A can earn the remaining 225 points however they choose. 
  • The 225 points can be met through any of the following:
    • Only selling (225 sold points, 0 managed points) 
    • Only managing (0 sold points, 225 managed points) 
    • Any combination of both


What's not changing?

Since this is a significant adjustment to our program, we think it’s helpful to also acknowledge what’s not changing.

Other than moving from a dollar-based to points-based model, introducing the combined points threshold, and moving from growth market credit from partner location to customer location, all other aspects of the tiers program remain the same. This includes median tool usage requirements, certification requirements, how sold and managed MRR are calculated, point expiration, the process for uptiering and bi-annual tier recalibration, and the annual tier threshold adjustment.