HubSpot Solutions Partner News

Service Hub Turns One-Year Old

Written by HubSpot Partner Team | May 13, 2019 2:00:00 PM

May 10 marked the one-year anniversary of our newest product hub, Service Hub! It’s been a big year of listening to customers, learning, and evolving the Service Hub product into what it is today. We’re continuing to improve it to solve for the customer (and our partners!).

To celebrate the occasion, we’re sharing a Positioning Guide to Service Hub that will give you a deeper understanding of the product, positioning, upgrade paths and much more. Of course, there is also plenty of additional resources in your partner resource center. But for now, let’s take a quick look at some stats. In the first quarter of 2019, Service Hub customers have:

  • Closed almost 1.4 Million tickets
  • Published over 21,000 knowledge base articles
  • Collected over 57,000 survey entries from customers


To go even further, HubSpot surveyed over 1,000 customers and found out the following:

  • 88% of customer success professionals agree, customers have higher expectations than ever.
  • 44% of people look for reviews and social proof from users like them.
  • 70% say review sites, social media, or word of mouth drives leads for their business.


These findings go on to support our theory about the changing landscape of service, but what is concerning (but also an opportunity for partners) is that:

  • 42% of companies don’t collect feedback from customers
  • 56% of companies don’t offer a knowledge base
  • 53% of companies don’t use a help desk to help their customers


Now is the time to start the conversation about customer service and fueling your customers’ flywheel if you haven’t already. There is a massive need in the market for the right tools to create a better customer experience that helps us all grow better and we’re excited to do it together with you.