HubSpot Solutions Partner News

Last Chance to be a Speaker at Partner Day @ INBOUND!

Written by HubSpot Partner Team | May 29, 2018 5:13:10 PM

Partner Day @ INBOUND planning is underway, and we're looking for partners who want to share their knowledge with the community on our stage. 

Call for Speakers

Interested? We have an open call for speakers available here. Submit a video pitching your proposed session to your peers.

Are you an agency processes master? Have you done any successful experiments with lead generation? Are you crushing your sales goals? Do you have the happiest employees? We welcome all topics related to agency growth and agency management!

The partner community will vote for their favourite sessions and we'll include some of the sessions with the most votes on the agenda.

It’s important that the session content is reflective of our global partner community. With that in mind, region will receive additional consideration when making the final decision -- and extra points awarded to first-time presenters!

We've extended the deadline to submit until June 8, 2018.