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The ROI of HubSpot for Solutions Partners and Providers


In 2023, we analyzed data from HubSpot's 184,000+ customers to determine the ROI of HubSpot's Customer Platform. The data points and conclusions found in the report are useful takeaways for HubSpot prospects and customers.


The ROI Report includes data showing...

  • HubSpot customers see improvement across the customer journey,
  • HubSpot Solutions Partners help customers reach their full potential and
  • HubSpot customers using more products and features see even greater growth.

Please follow these important usage guidelines:

Where to Use the Report

Please use the report as a source of data for your presentations, collateral and written content; however, the full report is not intended for white-label use, though you may embed the interactive report on your website.

How to Use the Report

Please abide HubSpot's content usage guidelines when citing this report. You can use https://www.hubspot.com/roi as the source.

Contact for Questions

If you have any further questions on the report, please email the Customer Insights Team at HubSpot.
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Get the 2023 HubSpot ROI Report

Access the interactive Annual ROI Report, download your own pdf copy, or embed the interactive report to your own website.

The data included in this report is based on aggregated data from 184,000+ HubSpot customers globally. It is provided for information purposes only. Please keep in mind that results for individual businesses, including yours and HubSpot’s, may differ based on your own markets, customer base, industry, geography, stage, and/or other factors.