New and Improved Engagement Reporting for HubSpot Sales

As a sales leader, the ability to zoom in on specific parts of your team's engagement process is vital. Which reps are making the most calls? Are they connecting or leaving voicemails? How many emails are your BDRs sending? How many meetings are your new reps booking?


[HubSpot Connect] - Enthusem Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Enthusem is a direct mail solution, for digital marketers. They have an API and several integrations with CRMs/Automation platforms, that allow marketers to send personalized direct mail to contacts through workflows.

Video Overview of how Enthusem integrates with HubSpot.


How to connect Facebook Lead Ads to HubSpot

Facebook Lead Ads easily connect to HubSpot. To import your leads generated from Facebook into HubSpot, connect your Facebook Ads Accounts you want linked to HubSpot within ads settings. Click here to go to settings.


[HubSpot Connect] - LeadsBridge Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

LeadsBridge is advertising automation software for Facebook Ads. Their software syncs Facebook ads with HubSpot and sends leads generated by Lead Ads from one to the other. They also automate a connection between lists in HubSpot and Facebook Ads.

Learn more or install the LeadsBridge integration here. 


Pinned Notes in HubSpot CRM

When working with a prospect or customer, you need quick access to the most vital and relevant information. As more and more interactions rack up in that person's timeline, this gets a whole lot tougher. Today’s update enables you to pin the most mission-critical note at the top of any record in HubSpot CRM, ensuring the most important information is always front and center for both you and your team.


Shutterstock Integration: 60,000 Free Images Available to HubSpot Customers

Finding the right image to add to your content can be a hassle, and is full of potential usage and legal complexities.

At the same time, we know as marketers that visuals help enhance our content being remembered and shared. Today, we're happy to introduce an integration with Shutterstock the worlds leading stock photography site to provide 60,000 images free for all HubSpot Marketing customers.


Future Date Property Criteria in List Segmentation

Inbound is all about getting the right message in front of the right people at the right time. A key component of that: understanding which of your contacts have important dates coming up relating to your company’s offerings. Which contacts have trial expirations around the corner? Who’s renewing in the next month? Which travelers leave on their trip in the next week? Which home-buyers have a move-in date in the next few days?


[HubSpot Connect] - Privy Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Privy is an on-site lead acquisition solution for marketers. The tool makes it easy to create pop-up lead capture forms or offers on your website without touching any code or HTML. With Privy, you can trigger popups using exit intent, time on site, scroll, cart abandonment and more.

Learn more or install the Privy integration here. 


Emailing from Companies and Deals in HubSpot CRM

If you’re a sales rep, you spend your day making calls, sending emails, and booking meetings. The more efficient you can be at those three things, the better you’ll be at your job.


[Now Live] - New In-App Integration Listings Page

What is it:
We’ve updated the in-app integration listings page in HubSpot. This change brings our new visual redesign, an enhanced UI, and a simple way for you to see what you have integrated (what apps have access to your data) and make changes as desired. You can find the in-app integration page in the right hand drop down next to Hub ID in your portal.  

Click here to view your integrations. 


Visual Editing is now the default view for Workflows

What is it?
As of Friday March 24th, the new Visual Workflow Editor is the default view for all users. The old view will officially be retired. It’s had a good run. We hope you've had time to get aquinted with the new view and have tried out some of the improvements. 


[New Video] This Month's Most Exciting Product Updates in Under 6 Minutes

Each month, your HubSpot portal gets access to a slew of new features. While we design each and every new feature with the goal of adding value to the tools you use day, we recognize that it can be tough to keep up with so many updates. With that in mind, we've put together a 5-minute video that walks you through this month's most exciting new HubSpot features. Give it a watch, share it with your team, and let us know your feedback in the comments below!


Add Emojis to Email Subject Lines

Starting today you can access an emoji picker when you're drafting the subject line for your HubSpot emails.

In the Email tool, you'll see a new option to select emojis next to the subject line field when you create or edit an email.


Introducing Parent-Child Relationships in HubSpot CRM

Let’s say your company sells widgets that are vital to fast food hamburger sales. Your goal is to sell your widgets to every Sprocket Burgers across the globe. While all the locations have the same bright orange emblem out front, they represent completely different franchises with their own unique businesses. One location might have twice as many employees; another might sell more HubNuggets than HubBurgers. With that in mind, you need a way to track your interactions with each franchise separately, but also understand the relationships between them.


Facebook Ads Integration - HubSpot Ads Add-On

What is it?
We're excited to introduce a powerful integration between Facebook Ads and HubSpot. This integration is live for all customers with the Ads Add-On. With Facebook Ads data flowing into HubSpot you'll get automatic ROI reporting, conversion tracking and the import of leads generated from Facebook Lead Ads.

Customers who have purchased the $100 Add-On, will see Facebook Ads as a new option in the setting of HubSpot Ads (in the Reports drop down). Once a user has authorized the connection HubSpot will begin to automatically report on ad conversions and track the ROI of their Facebook Ads.

Click here to view the settings of HubSpot Ads and activate the Facebook integration


[HubSpot Connect] - Lucky Orange Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Lucky Orange is web analytics software that helps marketers and sales professionals better connect with leads by surfacing exactly how they use your website. Youcan findthis informationby accessing real-time dynamic heatmap overlays, screen recordingsand user chat logsAll of this information than added to the HubSpot contact timeline as part of the integration, when a visitor becomes a lead.

Learn more or install the Lucky Orange integration here. 


Four New Social Reports for your HubSpot Dashboards

Social media plays a key role in inbound marketing success. But it's not always the easiest thing to measure. It’s critical not only to analyze your social data to gain insights for your next campaign, but also to see your social metrics in the context of your other KPI’s, to understand how your social results align with your overall marketing goals.


Refreshed Designs for Your Contacts Tools

Your contacts database is your home base for understanding the people interacting with your business. With the goal of making your contacts tools easier to use and more consistent with the rest of your HubSpot platform, we've been working for the last few months on fresh new designs for four screens: All Contacts, the contact record, Lists, and imports.


Updates in Email Unsubscribe Process

Having the ability to unsubscribe from a marketing email, is required by regulations such as CAN-SPAM. However, unsubscribing accidentally via a forwarded email, or antivirus/firewall software can affect your delivery. As a result, we're making an update to the unsubscribe process for emails you send from HubSpot.


Deals ROI - HubSpot Ads + CRM Data

What is it?
A much more accurate ROI calculation in HubSpot Ads, through an association with CRM deal data.

Currently, Ads ROI is estimated through a series of questions asked of the user. When Deals ROI is activated, a CRM connection is made and ROI is automatically calculated, with much more accurate data. This means no more assumptions have to be made.


[Coming 1/4] An Updated Design for All Contacts screen and Lists

All Contacts and Lists are your home base for understanding the people in your database. With the goal of making these tools easier to use and more consistent with the rest of your HubSpot platform, we've been working for the last few months on fresh new designs for these two screens.


Introducing a Visual Editing Interface for Your Workflows

As your team scales, automation can get complicated. A single flow turns into three or four, one branch becomes several. More people are involved in the process, and need a quick way to understand your campaigns. Your processes might get more complex, but your tools don’t have to.


[Coming 1/4] A Visual Refresh for the Contact Record

The contact record in HubSpot is the central hub for information on the people in your database. It stores interactions, engagements, and property information in a single integrated record.

For over a year, the HubSpot product team has been hard at work designing and testing a new look for the contact record that’s cleaner and more modern, while continuing to provide the same great functionality that you’re used to — and more.

We're excited to announce that, on January 4th, all HubSpot customers will move over to the new design. 


[HubSpot Connect] - Vidyard Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Vidyard is video platform that offers hosting, tools (forms, gates), management and analytics. Vidyard make it easier for marketers to manage their video, include interactive features to drive leads and provides insights into video viewers.


[HubSpot Projects] - Daily Overdue Task Email

What is it?
HubSpot Projects users, with overdue tasks, will now receive an email each morning at 7am (based on portal timezone) letting them know which tasks are overdue. Individual users will only receive an email if the overdue task is assigned to them. The email will send everyday, continuously, until the task is checked off or the due date is changed.


[Now Live] A Refreshed Design for HubSpot CRM

[12/20 Update: As of 12/19, refreshed design for HubSpot CRM is now live to all HubSpot CRM portals.]

HubSpot CRM is a designed to make organizing your interactions with leads and customers simple and straightforward. With that mission in mind, today, we're excited to announce that the CRM will undergo a modern facelift in the coming weeks aimed at bringing a new level of clarity, consistency, and joy to your routine. Rest assured --- the functionality you're used to won't be altered. The refresh will focus solely on the look and feel of HubSpot's apps.

In this article, we'll walk through the timeline of the changes and give you a quick tour of the new design.

Note: If you're not an active user of HubSpot CRM and saw this message above a contact record in your Marketing tool, click here for a preview of the contact record's updated look. This change will go into effect in December.


HubSpot's Partner Directory Redesign

We've redesigned HubSpot's Partner Directory to make it easier for visitors to find the perfect fit Partner.


Introducing Lead Flows for HubSpot Marketing

Editor's Note: If you're a HubSpot Marketing customer, you already have all the features available in the HubSpot Marketing Free product right within your HubSpot Marketing account -- including Lead Flows!

Lead Flows allows HubSpot Marketing and HubSpot Marketing Free customers to create pop-up forms. But, are pop-up forms truly inbound? It really depends on the intention and execution -- but non-interruptive or annoying pop-ups can be inbound, and the data proves they work.


Create, Manage, and Optimize Multi-Language Content within HubSpot

Marketing to customers in different countries, with different languages, can be a complex challenge. Not only to create and manage pages -- but ensure that search engines are directing visitors to the right versions at the right time.


Introducing HubSpot Composer - A New Distraction-Free, Collaborative Writing Experience

As marketers one of our primary challenges is our ever-growing task list. With so many "to do's" it's become hard to focus on writing content. Creating quality content requires focus, but that doesn't mean you should rush through your to do list or ignore all your other priorities -- instead your tools should adapt to the changing environment today.


Introducing Database-Driven Content within HubSpot using HubDB

Integrating a database into your website is a technical process that typically requires a developer to spend significant time planning, creating, and then integrating with your website. As a result, I.T. often retains control of the database after it's first implemented. But the benefits of a database extend far beyond just developers. Marketers can utilize databases to have one central location to update content across numerous pages with ease. Today we're happy to introduce HubDB, a relational database within HubSpot that allows developers to easily create database-driven content embedded within website and landing pages, and marketers the ability to easily update content within the database.


HubSpot Academy's New Learning Center

We’ve completely redesigned the way you learn with HubSpot Academy through a brand new Learning Center. Navigate to the Training & Certifications page within your HubSpot portal, and you'll find a more intuitive, learning focused, and team-based experience where you can go to pick up new skills and get certified.  Read More >>

[HubSpot Projects] - Associate Blog Posts, Pages and Emails with Project Tasks

What is it?

You can now associate HubSpot assets like landing pages and blogs posts with tasks inside of a Project.  

Try it out inside of HubSpot Projects 

When you open the sidebar associated with a task, you'll see a new option when you click on the attach button. When you start typing in the name of an asset, associated pages, emails, landing pages and more will populate. Once associated with a task, clicking on the name of the asset will take you to that specific draft in HubSpot. 


[HubSpot Connect] - Hotjar Integration

What’s this integration partner do?

Hotjar is a website analytics and engagement software for marketers and product folks. With the addition of one line of Hotjar code to your website, users get access to heatmaps, screen recordings, visitor polls and more. HotJar is a freemium product, targeted at mid-sized businesses and startups.


Introducing HubSpot's New Mobile App for iOS

We've taken the best parts of our existing CRM, Sales, and Marketing apps, and combined them into a single HubSpot mobile experience. The new HubSpot Mobile app gives you a view into the full lifecycle of your contacts, from top funnel marketing efforts to in-progress deals and sales tasks.


Merge Companies in HubSpot CRM

As your business grows, it gets more and more difficult to keep your data clean. With information coming from more places --- inbound, imports, integrations, and more --- inevitably, it’s sometimes necessary to clean things up. Today’s update enables you to keep your company database dupe-free.


[HubSpot Connect] - Pure Chat Integration

HubSpot helps marketers and salespeople create an inbound machine. However, we know there are other tools and technology you need to run your business. HubSpot Connect is your place to find the best HubSpot powered integrations and conections. Today we are excited to welcome Pure Chat as a new Connect Partner. 


Introducing the New HubSpot Marketplace

Today, we're happy to introduce a brand-new version of the HubSpot Marketplace. Easily surface email, landing page, and website templates that are relevant to your business see how they look, and get started using any in a matter of minutes.


Expanded Text ads Now Show in HubSpot Ads

What is it: The HubSpot Ads Add-On now includes the new AdWords ad format, Expanded Text Ads in campaign reporting, creation and editing. Be aware, that when creating a new AdWords campaign - Expanded Text Ads will now be the only ad format someone can use. Why? It’s best for our customers. Old, shorter ads have a lower CTR than Expanded Text Ads and the old format is going away this year, per Google.


A Small Update to Leadin's Navigation

If you're using Leadin, you'll see a small change to your navigation in the next few days. No functionality will change --- just a quick update to the look and feel.


Introducing HubSpot Projects, a new way to work, learn and collaborate in HubSpot

Starting today all customers have access to the new Productivity tab in the HubSpot navigation. This change removes the calendar icon from the top right of HubSpot and puts Calendar, Campaigns and Projects under the Productivity tab. More importantly, this also gives all customers access to our new in-app productivity tool, Projects. 


Heads up...a new Email Dashboard is coming!

Big news... we've redesigned the email dashboard to better help you view and understand the aggregate performance of your email marketing efforts. The new dashboard offers more robust performance graphs to track the success of emails over time, and provides actionable tips to help boost your email metrics. 


Make Meetings Work For You: New Options for Branding and Embedding Meetings

Meetings already helps you save time, and the latest update adds even more efficiency to your day by making Meetings do the work for you.

Now, it’s easy to embed Meetings on your site. With embedded Meetings, you can flatten your funnel and make your sales cycle even shorter.Think of the embedded Meetings widget as a new kind of form—but instead of simply capturing a lead, you’re able to get the commitment of a meeting on the books.


Target Subject Lines for Different Audiences

Your subject line is arguably the most critical part of your email marketing strategy... if it doesn't pique your audience's interest, a carefully crafted email loses all impact.


A Visual Refresh for your Marketing Dashboard

For the past few months, you’ve had access to a brand new Dashboard that makes it easier than ever to customize your "morning cup of coffee" marketing metrics. Your feedback on the new interface has been extremely helpful, and we’ve taken it into account as we’ve iterated on the initial design.


Introducing the HubSpot - Integration

For sales reps, meetings and demos are the name of the game. The more efficiently you can set up and execute those pivotal conversations with your prospects, the better.

With that in mind, today, we're excited to announce an easy-to-use integration between HubSpot CRM and that enables sales teams to quickly create and launch calls, video conferences, and screenshares from within contact, company, and deal timelines in HubSpot. Instant meetings via in HubSpot means fewer clicks for you and no downloads for your prospects, so you can do more demos in a day. And more demos equals more deals. Win-win.


See Which Authors Are Driving Conversions

Have you ever wondered which authors on your blog are driving the most conversions, and creating new contacts? If so,  we're happy to introduce an updated 'Analyze' tab of the blog, which includes the ability to see which of your authors are driving new contacts. Let's dive-in to the updates.


New Collected Forms Dashboard in Leadin

In addition to Leadin’s Lead Flows tool, our Collected Forms tool collects submissions on your website's existing forms -- making it possible to consolidate all your leads into your Leadin contacts database, regardless of which form your visitors submit on your website.


Reorder and Minimize Cards on Contact, Company, and Deal Records

Information is important. But not all information is equally important to every member of your team. Your sales reps might spend their energy working deals, while your marketing team might focus more closely on basic contact and company demographics. The better your HubSpot records reflect your priorities, the less scrolling you’ll have to do and the quicker you’ll be able to do your job.


New Developer tools (Timeline & Webhooks APIs) Now Live

We're very excited to introduce two new tools that developers can use to build and improve their integrations with HubSpot. Why build on HubSpot? 


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